Hi this is my first post in dev.to, And i want share about how to deploy Quai Miner in tesnet chain with clore.ai
What you need ?
- account - https://clore.ai/
- proxy account
- some real money to rent
- hiveos account https://the.hiveos.farm/
- coffe :)
- Rent Rig GPU Miner & Setup
go to clore.io deposit your money in https://clore.ai/account#overview
then go to marketplace https://clore.ai/marketplace, find your rig that suitable with you
then select rent. select hiveos
fill rig id, rig password, and farm hash
to find rig id, rig password, and farm hash you can find it on hiveos website
create farm pool and add worker , and select add rig, then connect existing
after create you can find rig id and password in overview tab
for farm hash its in settings tab
back again to clore.ai then fill it with your creds
then click create , after few moments you can check again hiveos website
its showing the rig mining, so its will showing missing flight sheet. but lets create the flight sheet
before running the mining rig, this miner os need to install Toolkit cuda, and clore.io currently have issue to install the toolkit cuda with 403 forbidden.
To do the trick install toolkit is using proxy proxy account
create account then copy creds proxy
the format is
you can find it on
then open the console your rig , click hive shell start
open shell in hive shell
paste the proxy
export http_proxy=http://user:password@
export https_proxy=http://user:password@
install cuda toolkit
wget https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu2404/x86_64/cuda-keyring_1.1-1_all.deb && dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.1-1_all.deb && apt-get update && apt-get -y install cuda-toolkit-12-6
go to https://quai.luckypool.io/start use hiveos config for SRBMiner-MULTI custom, copy it
and paste in hiveos
dont forget to add your wallet
the wallet quai use is https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/pelagus/nhccebmfjcbhghphpclcfdkkekheegop
install it and save the pharse. copy address calypso
add wallet in hive os and create it
then if already add wallet crate the flight sheet
back to your worker, its will show the flight sheet
click the rocket button
ok, so Cuda Toolkit is installed, and Flight Sheet is created,
now we are running
check your hashrate here
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