I'm Sane and in this blog let's talk about my earnings.
It's end of month so le me share my total earnings from Jan 1st new year.
I have earned almost 100$ in this month.
I know it's low but it's my first month earnings.
My Process and My Goal:
1.I need to get back my mindset which was work >>> job. (and i did)
2.There are lot of works and earning methods but i need to select in a way that feels legal so i can sleep well and no need to worry.
3.Worry is z thing for those who don't have capacity to do work hard or have nothing to earn.
Final one To earn No need to get any job Self Confidence and Tendency to do work is enough.
Le me explain how i earned and my way in next blog.(if anyone interested comment so i can make blog a faster for sure)
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