When I first started leet-coding(2017) there were just 600 questions in total, today there are over 1800 questions in just arrays section!
The first level OA today for Amazon is much above the level of questions I was asked in the last round of interviews in Amazon 2016!
Earlier ML positions were filled based on projects that you worked on, now ML positions require DSA, System Design, Statistics, ML Basics, LLM knowledge, Security overview, DevOps and of-course ML specific hardware knowledge.
Networking can help you skip interview rounds(one of my friends just had 1 round of interview)!
Everyone has a different journey, so be patient, but keep moving because time does the same!
Take advise from people who are on the same road-map, that keeps you sane and motivated.
So please remember, as days go, everything is going to be tougher, and the longer you are paying attention to things that don't work for you, the farther you are from where you want to be.
Keep learning things, Move in the Right direction, Because Time and Tech waits for none!
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