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Difference between Angular vs React

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Angular Pros:

  1. Complete Framework.
  2. Support for Web Components.
  3. Usage of Typescript - It is a Super set of JavaScript.
  4. Dynamic Change Detection.
  5. Component Model.
  6. Separation of presentation and data.
  7. Detailed documentation.
  8. Plenty of useful tools.
  9. Vibrant community

Angular Cons:

  1. Angular Versions migrating issues and Heavy weight code.

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React Pros:

  1. Just a library.
  2. Easy to work.
  3. Component Model.
  4. One way data binding.
  5. Virtual DOM.
  6. Separation of presentation and data.
  7. Big community.

React Cons:

  1. High Dependency on tooling and libraries.
  2. JSX substitute to regular HTML and JS. 3.Debugging is bit hard.

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