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Discussion on: No, disabling a button is not app logic.

savagepixie profile image

Would you mind sharing the highlights of your experience with those three projects that made you realise state machines were a bad idea for UIs?

yuriykulikov profile image
Yuriy Kulikov

I have to be careful with the details, so I will only summarize what is already available to the public. I have participated in several projects for major car manufacturers. Three projects were built using a UI framework, which was based on a HFSM. There were a lot of states (a lot!) and the interfaces themselves were quite sofisticated. Many external factors were also taken into account, for example what happens if the car moves and some functionality must be disabled. These projects had from 1 to 10 million LOC in Java just to feed the HFSM with events.
Despite good tooling (visualization), it was an unmaintainable mess. State machine did not actually made the code more maintainable, mostly because state machine was a bad model for the UI. In the end there were clusters of states which were interconnected in every possible way. There were dedicated developers who had to maintain this state machine. I was lucky to participate in another project, which has a very similar user interface (you wouldn't tell the difference), but this time without any tooling or an abstraction for the UI navigation. Well, it was also a mess with your usual "of click here, go there, unless there is disabled, then go elsewhere". But it was actually much, much better. We have experimented with other approaches. I personally find decision trees very practical if the interface is dynamic and has to take a lot of external events into account. And it always makes sense to make user interface hierarchical, for example using nested routing outlets. For simple UI you can get away with a simple backstack.