DEV Community

Josua Schmid
Josua Schmid

Posted on

theo to scss

You may have a JSON file of the following form which is called plasmic-tokens.theo.json:

  "props": [
      "name": "96",
      "type": "spacing",
      "value": "24rem",
      "category": "spacing",
      "meta": {
        "projectId": "…",
        "id": "…"
      "name": "Black-050",
      "type": "color",
      "value": "#F6F7F7",
      "category": "color",
      "meta": {
        "projectId": "…",
        "id": "…"
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This is file has been baked by Salesforce theo.

If you want to extract the colors for SASS, then you can use the command line tool:

yarn theo app/javascript/plasmic-tokens.theo.json --transform web --format sass
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or if this doesn't work like in my case (Cannot find module 'optimist'), use the following one-liner to extract all colors:

jq -r '.props[] | select(.type == "color") | "$" + .name + ": " + .value + ";"' app/javascript/components/plasmic-tokens.theo.json | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
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