RDS is configured to connect only from EC2, so if you want to connect to RDS from your local environment, you need to do some work.
In this article, I will briefly show you how to connect to RDS from a Laravel application running in a Docker container in the local environment via a bastion server(EC2).
Original Post
cyublog | Connecting to RDS from Laravel+Docker via bastion server(EC2)
Local Environment
- macOS:10.15.7
- A docker container running a Laravel application.
$ docker --version
Docker version 20.10.2, build 2291f61
$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.27.4, build 40524192
- A bastion server(EC2) which can be accessed from your local environment.
- An AWS RDS which can be accessed from the bastion server.
- Create a SSH tunnel.
- Check the connection from the local machine (Mac) and from the Docker container.
- Modify the .env file so that the Laravel app can connect to the RDS.
SSH tunnel
First, create a SSH tunnel.
ssh -N -L 3333:[RDS endpoint]:[RDS port] -i [pem file of bastion server] -p 22 [EC2 user]@[bastion ip]
This time, set the port number of 3333 with RDS.
Once it is created, check it with a command.
Check the connection from the local machine
Run the following command in a terminal on your local machine to confirm.
mysql -h -u [USER NAME] -p -D [DATABASE NAME] -P 3333
Check the connection from Docker container
Enter thr Docker container, then run the following command to check the connection.
Note that the host must be host.docker.internal.
mysql -h host.docker.internal -u [USER NAME] -p -D [DATABASE NAME] -P 3333
Modify DB settings of Laravel application
Next, modify the .env
file of your Laravel application.
Finally, check it in your Laravel application.
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