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BTECH / Pondicherry


Quality and Automation Engineer

1.Describe Selenium Architecture in detail?2.What is the significance of the Python Virtual Environment? Give some examples?

1.Describe Selenium Architecture in detail?2.What is the significance of the Python Virtual Environment? Give some examples?

2 min read
What is Selenium? why do we use selenium for Automation?

What is Selenium? why do we use selenium for Automation?

1 min read
What is Manual Testing? What are the benefits and drawbacks of Manual testing? Give Some Example?

What is Manual Testing? What are the benefits and drawbacks of Manual testing? Give Some Example?

Comments 1
1 min read
What is manual testing and what are the benefits and draw backs in manual testing?

What is manual testing and what are the benefits and draw backs in manual testing?

1 min read
What is the difference between Functional and Non Functional testing?Give Some Examples?

What is the difference between Functional and Non Functional testing?Give Some Examples?

1 min read
Describe the following Testing Techniques with proper Examples:

Describe the following Testing Techniques with proper Examples:

1 min read