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Describe the following Testing Techniques with proper Examples:

  1. Boundary Value Analysis -->Boundary value is a testing technique, which tests are designed to include boundary values in a range.

Age 18 or greater than 18 should be eligible for voting. it should not be less than 18.

2.Decision Table Testing

-->Decision Table is a testing technique, which is used to test system behavior and check all possible combinations of conditions.

Example: Amazon

Test1 -- Amazon Prime user purchasing a product -- > Shipping will be free of cost

Test2 -- Non Amazon Prime user purchasing a product -- > Shipping cost will be Extra

3.Use case Testing

--> Use case is based on system requirements and systems behavior to ensure all the functional requirements are met.

Example: Face book Login (Username-ABC1 -->Password - ABC1)

Correct user name:

Test1 Username-ABC1-->Password - ABC1 --->click Login-->Login success

Test2 Username-ABC1-->Password - ABC3 --->click Login-->Login Failed (Incorrect password)

Test3 Username-ABC2-->Password - ABC1 --->click Login-->Login Failed (Incorrect User name)

Test4 Username-ABC4-->Password - ABC3 --->click Login-->Login Failed (Incorrect User name & Password)

4.LCSAJ Testing (Linear code sequence and Jump Testing)

--> LCSAJ Testing is a type of white box testing to perform different task or sequence within the code to ensure all functionalities are working fine.

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