Let start with something familiar. If you worked with scala for some time you most likely came across scala.concurrent.Future#sequence
and scala.concurrent.Future#traverse
Here is a simplified method signature of these two methods:
def traverse[A, B](items: Seq[A])(f: A => Future[B]): Future[Seq[B]]
def sequence[A](items: Seq[Future[A]]): Future[Seq[A]]
is an abstraction which embodies the operation scala.concurrent.Future#traverse
but is more general. Since in addition to the function argument type A
and return type B
, the context type of both Seq
and Future
further generalized:
trait Traverse[F[_]] {
def traverse[G[_], A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]]
If you're using a newer version of slick
for database access you're most likely familiar with DBIO
. There are often cases when you have a collection of some sort and want to execute a database action for each of the elements in the collection.
Since DBIO
is somewhat similar to Future
we could write:
def f[A](a:A): DBIO[B] = ???
val b: DBIO[Seq[B]] = DBIO.sequence(items.map(f))
or if we lack documentation awareness we could event end up writing:
items.foldLeft(DBIO.successful(Seq()) {
(acc, next) => acc.flatMap(a => f(next).map(i => acc :+ i)
But if we utilize slickcats we can simply write:
But if you try to use this approach without the proper dependencies you'll see that the compilers complains about missing implicit instances for DBIO
In order to fix that you have to add following dependency:
and add following import to your class:
import com.rms.miu.slickcats.DBIOInstances._
Depending on how far you are in you functional programming journey you'll know that cats.Traverse
is a special kind of functor which requires a type constructor with a single type argument.
If the methods you want to use together with slickcats
return DBIOAction[+R, +S <: NoStream, -E <: Effect]
or some other related type which has more than one type parameter the compiler will complain. In these situation you'll have to help the compiler a bit by either changing the method signature to DBIO
or you'll have to cast it to DBIO
This is just an example. slickcats
has typeclass instances which can help you to write more readable database access code.
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