DEV Community

Seog-Jun Hong
Seog-Jun Hong

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2023 Hacktoberfest #1


In the beginning, I was struggling to find a real open-source project as there were some meaningless repo for Hacktoberfest. Fortunately, I found Storybook-GPT project which is web application that can be used to convert React components into Storybook stories. I can't say this is a big and popular open-source project, but he's also looking for a contributor and I was sure that I could give him a hand.

The issue was to add Prettier to the project, so first I forked the repo and cloned it to my local machine and created my own branch to add a new feature. After I installed Prettier in the project, also added two scripts to package.json:

"format": "npx prettier --write .",
"check-format": "npx prettier . --check"

And I used npm run format command to apply Prettier to all files. Furthermore, I installed Husky and Pretty-quick to automatically format files when git commit is created. This is pretty handy because people don't need to type npm run format every time, Prettier is automatically triggered when the files are committed.

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After I created the first PR for the issue, he left a comment that he wanted a shorter Tab Width and I changed the Tab Width from 4 to 2 and he was satisfied with the output.

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His response was pretty quick and we could easily communicate and sort out the issue quickly. Even though his project is not huge and on the beginning step, I was really glad to help him out and I got confident in the open-source project, it gave me a sense of achievement. Next week, I'd like to contribute to the bigger project and more tricky issues.

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