DEV Community

Seog-Jun Hong
Seog-Jun Hong

Posted on

2023 Hacktoberfest #3


There were two issues about fixing linting at the project, and it was pretty easy to fix so I created 2 PRs in the third week. The first issue is to add a command to package.json to run linter in parallel. The command was used to lint all of libs files in a single command.

"lint-all-libs": "npx nx run-many --parallel --target=lint --projects=movex-core-util,movex,movex-server,movex-service,movex-react,movex-vue --quiet",
    "push-all-libs--locally": "cd dist/libs/movex && npm version pre && yalc push && cd -; cd dist/libs/movex-server && npm version pre && yalc push && cd -; cd dist/libs/movex-core-util && npm version pre && yalc push && cd -; cd dist/libs/movex-react && npm version pre && yalc push && cd -; cd dist/libs/movex-service && npm version pre && yalc push && cd -;",
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I simply added the command to package.json and ran it, and I found out the command was working properly but a couple of libs files failed due to linting. After my PR was merged and I moved on the 2nd issue to fix the file that had a linting error. The original code was using TState extends any = any, which caused a linting error, and I simply updated the code as below.

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Even though these are quite simple issues, I could gain more knowledge about lint from this project and know how to lint many files in parallel in one command. I think that I have more confidence in open-source projects and want to contribute to bigger projects next time.

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