DEV Community

Seog-Jun Hong
Seog-Jun Hong

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Code Reading Docusaurus

Docusaurus feature

For this week, I found a couple of nice features from Docusaurus and I thought Code blocks feature is pretty cool and I'd like to add the feature to my static website general. For example, if you write 3 backticks with code in .md file, you will see code blocks below:

function HelloCodeTitle(props) {
  return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;
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Code Blocks source code in Docusaurus

Fist, I got into Docusaurus Repo and searched codes that I was looking for, my keyword was codeblocks and there were some files involved with codeblocks. I could find the test file as well.

Image description

I found the unwrapMdxCodeBlocks function under packages/docusaurus-utils/src/markdownUtils.ts, and it returns code blocks after unwrapping the triple backticks.

export function unwrapMdxCodeBlocks(content: string): string {
  // We only support 3/4 backticks on purpose, should be good enough
  const regexp3 =
{% endraw %}
{% raw %}
  const regexp4 =
{% endraw %}
{% raw %}`mdx-code-block\n(?<children>.*?)\n`{% endraw %}
{% raw %}

  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  const replacer = (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => {
    const groups =;
    return `${groups.begin}${groups.children}${groups.end}`;

  return content.replaceAll(regexp3, replacer).replaceAll(regexp4, replacer);
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I guess this function is used to unwrap code blocks and return to preprocessor.ts, and also, Docusaurus automatically picks up syntax highlighting and this is powered by Prism React Renderer. However, I didn't really figure out how to convert that content into .html file with using Prism React Renderer.

I'm trying to implement the new feature in a similar way, but not exactly the same, so my plan is going to modify unwrapMdxCodeBlocks function and apply Prism to highlight the code blocks.

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