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Sephi Berry
Sephi Berry

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NaNs bites

This post is co-authored with David Katz


While working on a health-related classification project our team encountered a very large sparse metrix, due to the vast amount of health/lab tests that were available. After a meeting with the business domain experts, we understood that our initial data preprocessing for removing missing data (NaN) was faulty.

In this post, we would like to share the pit-fall that we experienced and share our process for identifying features with missing values related to classification problems.

The Pit Fall

We had over 2K of features across 40K patients. We knew that most of the features had a significant amount of NaNs, so we used the common methods - such as scikit-learn's VarianceThreshold and caret's near zero variance functions to remove features with high NaN values.

We were left with less than 70 features and ran our base model to see if our classifier model could predict better than randomness. After displaying the feature importance from our CatBoost model, some concerns were raised regarding some of the features.

So we went back and did some homework...

While re-analyzing the features that were left, we saw that although they had passed
our initial NaN tests, we did not check for the distribution of the NaN across our classes, i.e. some features had a significant amount of NaNs concentrated in a specific class which were not evenly distributed across our group classifications.

Data sample

To demonstrate this process let's look at an example dataset - the Horse Colic dataset.

This dataset includes the outcome/survival of horses diagnosed with colic disease based upon their past medical histories.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations

pd.options.display.float_format = "{:,.2f}".format

names = "surgery,Age,Hospital Number,rectal temperature,pulse,respiratory rate,temperature of extremities,peripheral pulse,mucous membranes,capillary refill time,pain,peristalsis,abdominal distension,nasogastric tube,nasogastric reflux,nasogastric reflux PH,rectal examination,abdomen,packed cell volume,total protein,abdominocentesis appearance,abdomcentesis total protein,outcome,surgical lesion,type of lesion1,type of lesion2,type of lesion3,cp_data"
names = names.replace(" ", "_").split(",")
file_path = (
df = pd.read_csv(file_path, names=names)
label_col = "outcome"

def preprocess_df(df):
    df.columns = [c.strip() for c in df.columns]
    df = df.replace("?", np.nan).replace("nan", np.nan)
    df = df[~(df["outcome"].isna())].copy()  # clean up label column = "ID"
    df[label_col] = (
        .replace({"1": "lived", "2": "died", "3": "euthanized"})
    return df

df = preprocess_df(df)
print(f"df.shape: {df.shape}")
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df.shape: (299, 28)

surgery Age Hospital_Number rectal_temperature pulse respiratory_rate temperature_of_extremities peripheral_pulse mucous_membranes capillary_refill_time ... packed_cell_volume total_protein abdominocentesis_appearance abdomcentesis_total_protein outcome surgical_lesion type_of_lesion1 type_of_lesion2 type_of_lesion3 cp_data
0 2 1 530101 38.50 66 28 3 3 NaN 2 ... 45.00 8.40 NaN NaN died 2 11300 0 0 2
1 1 1 534817 39.2 88 20 NaN NaN 4 1 ... 50 85 2 2 euthanized 2 2208 0 0 2

2 rows × 28 columns

First we will check how many featurs have NaN values.

# There are 28 features in this dataset
def number_of_features_with_NaN(df):
    _s_na = df.isna().sum()
    return len(_s_na[_s_na > 0])

print(f"The number features with NaN values are {number_of_features_with_NaN(df)}")
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The number features with NaN values are 19
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Near Zero Variance

Simulating our intitial workflow, we will remove features with NaN values with our implementation of caret's R library near zero variance function (with their default values).

def near_zero_variance(df, cols=None, frq_cut=95 / 5, unique_cut=10):
    if not cols:
        cols = df.columns
    drop_cols = []
    for col in cols:
        val_count = list(
            df[col].value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True).to_dict().items()
        if len(val_count) == 1:
        lunique = len(val_count)
        percent_unique = 100 * lunique / len(df[col])
        freq_ratio = val_count[0][1] / val_count[1][1] + 1e-5

        if (freq_ratio > frq_cut) & (percent_unique <= unique_cut):
    return df[[c for c in df.columns if c not in drop_cols]]

df_nzr = near_zero_variance(df)
    f"After processeing the dataset via `near_zero_variance` we are left with {number_of_features_with_NaN(df_nzr)} features with NaN values.\n"
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After processeing the dataset via `near_zero_variance` we are left with 18 features with NaN values.
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Deeper NaN Analysis

Since we are only interested in understanding the missing values in the dataset, we can view how many NaN values are in the various features.
Let's now plot the remaining features relative to the percent of NaNs in each feature

def plot_percent_nan_in_features(df):
    nan = df.isna().sum() / len(df)
    feature_nan_threshold = {
        round(threshold, 2): len(df.columns) - len(nan[nan < threshold])
        for threshold in np.arange(0, 1.01, 0.05)
    _df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
        feature_nan_threshold, orient="index", columns=["num_of_features"]
        ylabel="Number of Features",
        xlabel="Percentage of NaNs in feature",
        figsize=(10, 5),

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From the above plot, we can see that the number of features with more than 40% of NaNs are 2 features and above 25% are 6 features.

We can see that some of the features have very high NaN values.

Let's now remove these problematic features.
For this example we will set a threshold of 35% .

threshold_max_na = 0.35

def drop_features_above_threshold_max_na(df, threshold_max_na=threshold_max_na):
    nan = df.isna().sum() / len(df)
    nan_threshold = nan[nan > threshold_max_na]
    df = df.drop(columns=nan_threshold.index).copy()
    return df

df_nzr_threshold = drop_features_above_threshold_max_na(df_nzr)
    f"After drop_features_above_threshold_max_na the number of features with NaNs that we are left with are : {number_of_features_with_NaN(df_nzr_threshold)}"
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After drop_features_above_threshold_max_na the number of features with NaNs that we are left with are : 14
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We may assume that we have removed the problematic features and can try to imputate our NaN data and run our pipeline/model.

But before we do so let's look a bit more closely at our classification.

NaN Distribution Among the Classifer Labels

Looking at the classifier label feature outcome we can see the following distribution

def create_value_counts_df(df, s2=pd.Series(dtype=float), col=None, check_na=False):
    if col:
        s1 = df[col].value_counts(dropna=False)
    if check_na:
        s1 = df.isna().sum()
        s2 = df.isna().sum() / len(df)
    if s2.empty:
        s2 = df[col].value_counts(normalize=True, dropna=False)
    df = pd.concat([s1, s2], axis=1)
    df.columns = ["num", "percent"]
    return df.sort_values(by="percent", ascending=False)

df_labels_counts = create_value_counts_df(df, col=label_col)
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num percent
lived 178 0.60
died 77 0.26
euthanized 44 0.15

We can see that the distribution of the classes is uneven.

Our class distribution is apporximately 60%, 25%, 15% between the lived, died, euthanized classes (respectively).

But how are our NaNs distributed?

What is the distribution of NaNs in each feature with relation to our classification field.

def get_na_per_label(df, label_col, labels=df_labels_counts.index):
    cols = [c for c in df.columns if c != label_col]
    sum_na = (
        + [
            df[df[label_col] == label][col].isna().sum()
            for label in df_labels_counts.index.tolist()
        for col in cols
    df_sum_na = pd.DataFrame(
        columns=[f"{col}_sum_na" for col in ["all"] + df_labels_counts.index.tolist()],
    df_sum_na["all_percentage_na"] = df.isna().sum() / len(df)
    for label in labels:
        df_sum_na[f"{label}_percentage_na"] = (
            df_sum_na[f"{label}_sum_na"] / df_labels_counts.loc[label, "num"]
    return df_sum_na

def get_na_cols(df):
    _s_na = df.isna().sum()
    na_cols = _s_na[_s_na > 0].index
    na_cols = list(na_cols) + [label_col]
    return na_cols

na_cols = get_na_cols(df_nzr_threshold)
df_sum_na = get_na_per_label(df_nzr_threshold[na_cols], label_col)
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all_sum_na lived_sum_na died_sum_na euthanized_sum_na all_percentage_na lived_percentage_na died_percentage_na euthanized_percentage_na
rectal_temperature 60 26 24 10 0.20 0.15 0.31 0.23
pulse 24 12 11 1 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.02
respiratory_rate 58 31 19 8 0.19 0.17 0.25 0.18
temperature_of_extremities 56 32 13 11 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.25
peripheral_pulse 69 39 18 12 0.23 0.22 0.23 0.27
mucous_membranes 47 28 11 8 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.18
capillary_refill_time 32 19 10 3 0.11 0.11 0.13 0.07
pain 55 34 12 9 0.18 0.19 0.16 0.20
peristalsis 44 22 15 7 0.15 0.12 0.19 0.16
abdominal_distension 56 31 14 11 0.19 0.17 0.18 0.25
nasogastric_tube 104 62 25 17 0.35 0.35 0.32 0.39
rectal_examination 102 56 26 20 0.34 0.31 0.34 0.45
packed_cell_volume 29 13 8 8 0.10 0.07 0.10 0.18
total_protein 33 13 12 8 0.11 0.07 0.16 0.18

We can see that the distributions of the NaNs across the classification field are not even. e.g. the rectal_temperature feature has twice as much NaN in the died & lived classes than in the euthanized class.

Assuming that we don't want to remove any features that have less than 15% of NaNs, no matter how the NaN distribution is across the classification field.

threshold_min_na = 0.15
mask_threshold_min_na = df_sum_na["all_percentage_na"] > threshold_min_na
df_sum_min_na = df_sum_na[mask_threshold_min_na].copy()
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all_sum_na lived_sum_na died_sum_na euthanized_sum_na all_percentage_na lived_percentage_na died_percentage_na euthanized_percentage_na
rectal_temperature 60 26 24 10 0.20 0.15 0.31 0.23
respiratory_rate 58 31 19 8 0.19 0.17 0.25 0.18
temperature_of_extremities 56 32 13 11 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.25
peripheral_pulse 69 39 18 12 0.23 0.22 0.23 0.27
mucous_membranes 47 28 11 8 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.18
pain 55 34 12 9 0.18 0.19 0.16 0.20
abdominal_distension 56 31 14 11 0.19 0.17 0.18 0.25
nasogastric_tube 104 62 25 17 0.35 0.35 0.32 0.39
rectal_examination 102 56 26 20 0.34 0.31 0.34 0.45

Now we can further analyse our data. Let's see the ratio between the classifications.

def create_ratio_between_classes(df, label_classes):
    for label_a, label_b in combinations(label_classes, 2):
        df[f"ratio_percentage_{label_a}_{label_b}"] = (
            df[f"{label_a}_percentage_na"] / df[f"{label_b}_percentage_na"]
    col_ratio = [col for col in df.columns if "ratio_percentage" in col]
    return df[col_ratio]

create_ratio_between_classes(df_sum_min_na, df_labels_counts.index).plot(
    figsize=(12, 5), rot=45, grid=True
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plot ratio_between_classes

Values closer to 1 have similar percentage of NaNs, whereas values that are further away a higher distributions of the NaNs across the classification field.

We can set a lower and upper threshold for filtering out the problematic features. Once all the ratios are between these limits we will want to keep this feature. Any value outside these limits we can assume that the NaNs are unevenly distributed, and the features should be removed.

def get_features_outside_threshold(
    features_to_drop = []
    for col in [col for col in df.columns if "ratio" in col]:
        mask_ratio_threshold = ~(
            df[col].between(lt_ratio_threshold, gt_ratio_threshold)
    features_to_drop = list(set(features_to_drop))
    return features_to_drop

features_to_drop = get_features_outside_threshold(df_sum_min_na)
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df_for_model = df_nzr_threshold.drop(columns=features_to_drop)
    f"After removing the features from get_features_outside_threshold function we are left with {number_of_features_with_NaN(df_for_model)} features with `NaN`s that we are going to imputate"
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After removing the features from get_features_outside_threshold function we are left with 9 features with NaNs that we are going to imputate.


This post describes the issues while analysing NaNs for feature selection.

Simple filtering methods do not always perform as expected and additional emphsesis should be taken when working with sparse matrices.

We can analyse NaN within features in multiple levels:

  1. At the global level - i.e. the total amount of NaNs within a feature (both for removing and for keeping features)
  2. At the label/classification level - i.e. the relative distribution of NaNs per class.

Finally we recommand trying out the missingno package for graphical analysis of NaN values

The notebook for this post is at this gist link


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