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Seyed Ahmad
Seyed Ahmad

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Comparing SSR and SSG in Next.js: When to Use Each

Next.js has revolutionized the way we build React applications by providing powerful features like Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG). These rendering methods offer different advantages and are suited for various use cases. In this article, we'll explore the differences between SSR and SSG in Next.js, their benefits, and when to use each approach.

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Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

SSR is a technique where the server generates the HTML content for each request. When a user visits a page, the server fetches the necessary data, renders the React components, and sends the fully formed HTML to the client. This approach offers several benefits:

  1. Improved SEO: Search engines can easily crawl and index the content since it's available in the initial HTML.
  2. Faster Time to First Contentful Paint (FCP): Users see the content quicker as the initial HTML is already populated.
  3. Better performance for dynamic content: SSR is ideal for pages that require real-time or frequently changing data.
  4. Enhanced user experience for slow devices or networks: The server does the heavy lifting, reducing the burden on the client.

However, SSR also has some drawbacks:

  1. Higher server load: Each request requires server resources to generate the HTML.
  2. Slower Time to Interactive (TTI): While the content is visible quickly, the JavaScript needs to load and hydrate before the page becomes interactive.
  3. Increased complexity: Managing server-side state and handling errors can be more challenging.

Static Site Generation (SSG)

SSG is a method where pages are pre-rendered at build time. The HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are generated in advance and can be served from a Content Delivery Network (CDN). SSG offers several advantages:

1. Excellent performance: Pages load extremely fast as they're pre-rendered and can be cached at the edge.

2. Reduced server costs: Since pages are generated at build time, there's no need for a server to handle each request.

3. Enhanced security: With fewer server-side processes, there's a reduced attack surface.

**4. Scalability: **Static files can be easily distributed across multiple CDNs, making it simple to handle high traffic.

However, SSG also has limitations:

  1. Build time increases with content: As your site grows, the build process can become longer.

  2. Less suitable for frequently updated content: You need to rebuild and redeploy for content changes.

  3. Not ideal for personalized content: SSG works best for content that's the same for all users.

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When to Use SSR

1. Real-time data: If your page needs to display up-to-the-second information, such as live sports scores or stock prices, SSR is the way to go.

2. Personalized content: For pages that show user-specific data, like dashboards or account settings, SSR is more appropriate.

3. Frequently updated content: News sites or blogs with constantly changing content benefit from SSR.

4. E-commerce sites: Product pages with real-time inventory and pricing information are well-suited for SSR.

5. Social media platforms: Where content is user-generated and changes rapidly, SSR can ensure the latest information is always displayed.

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When to Use SSG

1. Marketing websites: Company websites, landing pages, and product showcases that don't change frequently are perfect for SSG.

2. Blogs: If your blog posts don't need real-time comments or don't change often, SSG can provide excellent performance.

3. Documentation sites: Technical documentation or wikis that are updated periodically can benefit from SSG's speed and simplicity.

4. Portfolio websites: For showcasing work that doesn't change frequently, SSG offers fast load times and easy deployment.

5. Event websites: Conference or event sites with mostly static information are well-suited for SSG.

Hybrid Approaches

Next.js allows you to mix and match SSR and SSG within the same application. This flexibility enables you to use the best rendering method for each page or component. For example:

1. Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR): This feature allows you to update static content without rebuilding the entire site. It's useful for pages that change infrequently but still need updates without manual rebuilds.

2. Client-side data fetching: You can use SSG for the initial page load and then fetch dynamic data on the client side. This approach works well for pages with a static structure but dynamic content.

3. Dynamic routes with getStaticPaths: Next.js allows you to generate static pages for dynamic routes at build time, with the option to fall back to SSR for new paths.

Performance Considerations

When deciding between SSR and SSG, consider the following performance factors:

1. Time to First Byte (TTFB): SSG typically has a faster TTFB as the content is pre-rendered and can be served from a CDN.

2. Time to First Contentful Paint (FCP): SSR can sometimes provide a faster FCP for complex pages, as the server can generate the content quicker than it would take to download and render on the client.

3. Time to Interactive (TTI): SSG often has a faster TTI as the JavaScript bundle can start loading earlier.

4. Server load: SSG reduces server load as pages are pre-rendered, while SSR requires server resources for each request.

5. Build time: SSG can have longer build times, especially for large sites, while SSR doesn't have this overhead.


Choosing between SSR and SSG in Next.js depends on your specific use case, content update frequency, and performance requirements. SSR shines for dynamic, personalized content and real-time data, while SSG excels in delivering lightning-fast static content with reduced server costs.

By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, you can make informed decisions about which rendering method to use for different parts of your application. Next.js's flexibility allows you to leverage the best of both worlds, creating performant and scalable web applications.

Are you ready to take your Next.js applications to the next level? Start experimenting with SSR and SSG to see which approach works best for your projects. The power of choice is in your hands – use it wisely to create amazing web experiences for your users!

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If you have any questions or need help implementing SSR or SSG in your Next.js projects, feel free to reach out. I'm here to help you make the most of these powerful rendering techniques. Contact me at seyedahmaddev[at] to discuss your Next.js development needs.

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