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CPQ: 4 Challenges, Action Buttons in Screen Flow, External Services in Apex

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Salesforce CPQ Optimization: 4 Challenges to Overcome
Implementing CPQ is a major endeavor, and user adoption can be challenging due to significant changes in revenue workflows and tools. Businesses that fail to optimize CPQ for users may take years to see a return on their investment. A guide titled "Optimizing Salesforce CPQ" addresses key challenges and highlights the value of enhancing the user experience across all teams.

How to use External Services in Apex?
External Services has been integrated into the Salesforce platform for some time. A key enhancement allows Salesforce Developers to reference External Services in Apex, providing substantial benefits. Next, the process of referencing an External Service in Apex will be explored.

Action Buttons in Screen Flow in Salesforce
Action Buttons enhances screen flows by enabling users to perform actions without switching screens. Users can access record details or perform calculations seamlessly, streamlining processes and making tasks quicker. The accompanying blog guides users on obtaining Opportunity records via an Auto-Launched Flow and illustrates how to display Opportunity records linked to specific accounts using a Screen Flow and Action Button.

Functional and Technical Documentation for Salesforce Projects: What's the Difference?
Documentation is essential for successful Salesforce projects. This article presents key documentation artifacts vital for any project, regardless of size. Readers will learn to distinguish between technical and functional documents, identify high-priority artifacts, and access tools to streamline document production. Including these critical artifacts in a project can save time, budget, and avoid future complications.

Explore the Event Platform API with the Extended Postman Collection
Explore and interact with the Event Platform thanks to the extended Salesforce Platform APIs collection for Postman.

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