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Sam Brown
Sam Brown

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FTA: Fast TypeScript Analyzer

When we think about improving code quality, reducing bugs, and enhancing maintainability in our projects, static analysis is an increasingly popular way to understand where a project is currently at. Tools like SonarQube and CodeQL are becoming a mainstream part of CI pipelines, but so far, these tools have not achieved the level of speed and usability that developers might hope for.

FTA is a TypeScript static analysis tool built on the speedy foundations of swc. FTA is fast; capable of analyzing more than 150 files per second on typical hardware, it offers a powerful addition to your code quality toolkit.

A single, actionable metric

FTA provides a single normalized FTA Score as part of its output. This score encapsulates various code metrics such as the Halstead complexity measures and cyclomatic complexity, providing a high-level view of your code's state.

The Halstead complexity measures capture various aspects of your code's complexity. This includes unique operators, unique operands, total operators, total operands, program length, vocabulary size, volume, difficulty, effort, time, and estimated bugs.

Cyclomatic complexity, on the other hand, measures the number of linearly independent paths through a program's source code, effectively providing a sense of the decision complexity in your code.

These measures are combined based on original research to generate the FTA Score, offering a summary of these complex metrics. This approach eliminates the need for users to delve deep into these metrics, making it simple and easy to take action based on the analysis. However, if you need to dig deeper, all the details are there at your disposal.


FTA is distributed in several ways:

  • The fta-cli npm package for command-line or server-side Node.js usage (Recommended)
  • The fta-wasm npm package - for in-browser WebAssembly usage (this is what the Playground runs)
  • The fta Rust crate - internal or advanced usage only

The most common and easiest way to use FTA is by calling fta-cli either as a binary or from a Node.js server-side context.

Here's a snapshot of what FTA's default output looks like (using the Redux project as an example):

│ File                                    ┆ Num. lines ┆ FTA Score (Lower is better) ┆ Assessment        │
│ src\createStore.ts                      ┆ 489        ┆ 70.34                       ┆ Needs improvement │
│ website\src\pages\index.js              ┆ 217        ┆ 64.65                       ┆ Needs improvement │
│ src\combineReducers.ts                  ┆ 201        ┆ 61.56                       ┆ Needs improvement │
│ src\compose.ts                          ┆ 61         ┆ 52.52                       ┆ Could be better   │
│ src\bindActionCreators.ts               ┆ 83         ┆ 51.78                       ┆ Could be better   │
│ src\utils\kindOf.ts                     ┆ 70         ┆ 48.66                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\utils\warning.ts                    ┆ 18         ┆ 34.49                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\utils\isPlainObject.ts              ┆ 14         ┆ 33.66                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\utils\symbol-observable.ts          ┆ 10         ┆ 30.99                       ┆ OK                │
│ website\docusaurus.config.js            ┆ 196        ┆ 18.04                       ┆ OK                │
│ website\sidebars.js                     ┆ 148        ┆ 15.82                       ┆ OK                │
│ rollup.config.js                        ┆ 79         ┆ 15.79                       ┆ OK                │
│ tsup.config.ts                          ┆ 72         ┆ 15.59                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\applyMiddleware.ts                  ┆ 77         ┆ 15.45                       ┆ OK                │
│ website\src\pages\errors.js             ┆ 62         ┆ 15.07                       ┆ OK                │
│ website\src\js\monokaiTheme.js          ┆ 62         ┆ 14.32                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\utils\actionTypes.ts                ┆ 17         ┆ 11.91                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\index.ts                            ┆ 46         ┆ 11.84                       ┆ OK                │
│ vitest.config.ts                        ┆ 17         ┆ 9.92                        ┆ OK                │
│ docs\components\DetailedExplanation.jsx ┆ 15         ┆ 9.53                        ┆ OK                │
│ src\utils\formatProdErrorMessage.ts     ┆ 13         ┆ 8.57                        ┆ OK                │
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Objective Data

FTA provides objective value in the form of hard data about your code, produced very quickly. Its performance, coupled with its ability to distill complex metrics into a single, easily digestible score, makes it an interesting consideration for TypeScript projects.

Static analysis is now integral to software quality assurance, and FTA can add another layer of speed and efficiency to this process.

Run FTA against your project today, and see what you find out:

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