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Mohd. Shafikur Rahman
Mohd. Shafikur Rahman

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Interesting facts in JavaScript

There is a great deal of amusing to be had when working in JavaScript. Notwithstanding for engineers that associate with it day by day, a few pieces of the language stay unexplored. I'm going to feature few things you may not think about JavaScript.

NaN is a number

NaN (Not a number) is being a number. Also, NaN is not equal to itself. Actually NaN not equal to anything. The only way to verify anything is NaN or not by isNaN().

> typeof(NaN)

> NaN === NaN
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null is an object

null is an object. Sound odd! Right? But this is fact.

> typeof(null)
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In case, null has no value. So, null should not instance of Object.

> null instanceof Object
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undefined can be defined

undefined is not a reserved keyword in JavaScript. You can assign value to it. It doesn't through any syntax error. But, you can't assign value anywhere, it return undefined.

> var some_var;
> some_var == undefined
> undefined = 'i am undefined'
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0.1 + 0.2 is not equal to 0.3

In JavaScript , 0.1 +0.2 == 0.3 return false. The fact is, how javascript store float number as binary.

> 0.1 + 0.2
> 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3
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Math.max() smaller than Math.min()

The fact that Math.max() > Math.min() returns false sounds wrong, but it actually makes a lot of sense.

> Math.max() > Math.min()
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If no argument pass via min() or max() then it return follwoing values.

> Math.max()
> Math.min()
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018 minus 045 equal to 3

In JavaScript, the prefix 0 will convert any number to octal. However, 8 is not used in octal, and any number containing an 8 will be silently converted to a regular decimal number.

> 018 - 045
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Therefore, 018 β€” 017 is in fact equivalent to the decimal expression 18 β€” 37, because 045 is octal but 018 is decimal.

Functions can execute itself

Just create a function and immediately call it as we call other functions, with () syntax

> (function()  { console.log('I am self executing');  })();
I am self executing
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Parenthesis position matter

The return statement β€œdoes not see” that it has something to return so it returns nothing. Actually, JavaScript put ; after return.

> function foo() {
      foo: 'bar'
> foo(); 

> function foo() {
   return {
      foo: 'bar'
> foo(); 
{foo: "bar"}
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Missing parameter default value

In JavaScript, you can set a parameter default value in the following way.

> function missingParamerCheck(name, age){
    var name = name || 'John Doe'
    var age = age
> missingParamerCheck('', 23)
John Doe
> missingParamerCheck('Mike', 18)
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Doesn't have integer data type

In JavaScript, there is not int(integer) data type. All numbers are Number type. Actually it store float value for int number in memory level.

sort() function automatic type conversion

The sort() function automatic convert value to string, that why something weired being happened.

> [1,5,20,10].sort()
(4) [1, 10, 20, 5]
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But, it can be fix by comparing.

> [1,5,20,10].sort(function(a, b){return a - b});
(4) [1, 10, 20, 5]
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Sum of Arrays and Objects

> !+[]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]
> {} + []
> [] + {}
"[object Object]"
> [] + []
> {} + {}
"[object Object][object Object]"
> {} + [] == [] + {}
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Ideally, you discovered some new information or possibly showed signs of improvement comprehension of what is new with these JavaScript pearls. What other unexplored/unprecedented JavaScript highlights do you know? Share them in the comments.
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