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Siri Shamendra
Siri Shamendra

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Tutorial Hell : 5 steps to get away

About in5Steps series:
Designed for humans by keeping memorization in mind. Read more.

Have you ever found yourself feeling frustrated after scouring through numerous articles in search of a solution on Google? It's a common experience many of us encounter.

Once you formed a habit you become a slave of your own habit. I am pretty sure that most of us who started with Google, might click on at least 2 or 3 search results with the shift key to open up in different tabs and go through one by one. Then we see different approaches or expired documents that is totally irrelevant to what we need today. Because of that I do look at the Date of the article before I click on the search result.

For an example look at the example below. You will get the legacy documentation at the first and a one outdated result among first few results. If you start with knowing less, there is a high chance to explore all content and learn something outdated first.

Then you have to unlearn it first to learn the right thing. Its expensive.

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Tutorial hell refers to the habit of constantly consuming tutorials without applying the knowledge gained or taking meaningful steps towards practical application or independent problem-solving. Escaping tutorial hell requires a shift in mindset and approach.

Follow these 5 smart ways to make it right.

1. Write down what you really want:

Clearly define your objectives and requirements for the authentication system you want to build.

Someone said once "If you write it down, you can make it happen". So writing it down helps you to teach yourself a discipline to focus on nonsense and avoid reading something else as a tutorial.

2. Talk to few experts:

Engage in discussions with knowledgeable individuals in the field of your learning scope.

Listen to the people who are doing it in real life for sometime are the best people to talk about that. So listen to real doers before you learn that is the best idea that you can do easily.

3. Read what is that community is suggesting:

Stay updated with community forums, blogs, and resources to understand the latest trends, tools, and best practices.

TIP: Usually official documentations include some great examples with tutorials. But some documentations are still like a book of references.

This is one of the most important things in this 5 steps. Even though you have to limit the resources for tutorials, you shouldn't limit your readings to grab the knowledge about what is happening in the industry at the moment. News and Learning something by following tutorials are two different things.

4. Pick the best after the above exercises:

Evaluate the suggestions and feedback received from experts and the community to make an informed decision on the most suitable approach and technologies. Then you are able to finally find the best tutorial and focus on it. Make your own short note. We have wrote many things in the books when we don't use computers few decades ago. Writing something down makes our memory more strong. So I suggest to write it down.

Limiting your source of learning to few resources make it a more straightforward and avoid the tutorial hell nicely with a discipline in our mind.

5. Repetition, Repetition and Repetition:

Focusing on iterative improvements and learning from experiences to avoid getting stuck in tutorial-based learning cycles.


Many of us used to follow video tutorials. But sometimes the tutorials with only interactive content works really well. I am following educative for sometime to learn different things and that works nicely with me. So choosing the right learning method is also very important.

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