DEVxDeepgram Hackathon | DG Word Games
Overview of My Submission
This project uses Deepgram's realtime STT transcription API to enable playing the three most popular word/number games in the world:
- Crosswords
- Wordle
- Sudoku
This app is built in react.
It pre-loads in the redux store:
- a random Crosswords puzzle from this repo
- a wordle word from this list.
- a random sudoku puzzle from this api
Then, root component transcripts the user's speech in realtime and passes the transcription results to each game components as prop. It requests for Deepgram realtime transcription key from another API.
The crosswords puzzle can be played by speaking out your guesses.
Eg. "twenty five across blend"
- It identifies the direction (across/down).
- It uses a words-to-numbers library to convert the number in words to integers.
- It then checks if the guess word's (in this case, "blend") length is equal to the answer's.
- It then set's the user guess against the relevant clue.
The wordle puzzle can be played by speaking out just the guess.
Eg. "blend"
- It will check if the guess word's (in this case, "blend") length is equal to 5.
- It will add the guess to the guesslist.
The sudoku puzzle can be played by speaking out position with the guess.
Eg. "five cross two seven"
- It uses a words-to-numbers library to convert the number in words to integers.
- It will find the position of the guess by finding row and column separated by "cross".
- It will put the guess in it's box position.
Submission Category:
Gram Gamers
Link to Code on GitHub
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