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Sheetal Rawat
Sheetal Rawat

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How to Build a Tech Stack for Multiple Startup Sectors?

When trying to build a mobile or web-app for your startup, the first thing that struck your mind is the ideal tech stack! Many opt for MEAN Stack development services without giving it a second thought. However, it’s best to go for a stack after researching your project parameters' compatibility with it. 

A significant coding issue, which occurs in greater than 80% of the project, can be resolved by researching a good tech stack for your project. Numerous tech stacks like LAMP, MERN, MEVN, etc. are available for startup sectors with a fair share of benefits that makes them suitable for specific projects.


This blog covers the following essential points that will help you choose your app's ideal tech stack.


  • What exactly is meant by a Tech Stack?
  • Five most widely used tech stack.
  • Tech stack of some famous companies!
  • What factors to consider while building a tech stack?


Without any hither and thither, let us begin with the definitions.


What is a Technology Stack?



While developing a mobile or a web app, multiple software languages, frameworks, libraries, tools, etc. is needed to complete it. A tech stack can be defined as a set of all such software tools customized for a project's dedicated development.


App development teams typically divide it into the following two aspects:


The Front-End / Client-Side: There are multiple icons and buttons that user’s access while playing with your app. The dedicated development of these visuals constitutes the front-end of the technology stack. 

The primary language and tools of the front-end development team include HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JS (JavaScript).


The Back-End / Server-Side: The app's smooth functioning gets ensured by developing a robust back end. It is not accessible to the users and works on the users' inputs, hence called the app's back-end or server-side.

The primary language and tools of the back-end development team can get divided as follows:


  • Reliable Programming Languages: Python, Java, PHP, Scala, etc.
  • Database Management System: SQL, Oracle, MariaDB, MongoDB, etc.
  • Servers: Nginx, Apache, Rails, Express, etc.


That was all about the core meaning of the technology stack. To find the ideal fit for your project, you need to learn a little about the trending tech stack.


5 Top Trending Tech Stacks 





MEAN Stack



Owing to the open-source platform and isomorphic coding, the MEAN Stack development services have taken an edge over other stacks. It can be verified by the Google trends that show a higher search for MEAN over others that follows in the list. Its benefits can be decoded by looking at its various components.


M: MongoDB- It is a non-relational database management model that makes it easier for you to deal with discontinuous data. You will be free of scalability issues with MongoDB on board.


E: Express.js- It is the modular web framework meant for the smooth functioning of Node.js. It has received acceptance from the big tech companies like Google and Amazon.


A: AngularJS- It is a reliable framework for the development of dynamic web applications. A significant benefit associated that comes with Angular.js is the elimination of separate coding for a neat illustration of the app.


N: Node.js- It is responsible for the runtime environment of the app.

Good community support and a single language used for coding make it the first choice for many startups and SMEs.


  1. LAMP Stack



Choosing LAMP over MEAN Stack development services will provide you with the added benefit of a mature community along with an open-source platform. However, it doesn't come with a cross-platform operating system like MEAN. Let's decode LAMP to understand its benefits. 


L: Linux- It is an open-source operating system. Linux works significantly well over multiple hardware systems.

A: Apache- It is a cross-platform web server and provides easy code modification for the developers.

M: MySQL- It is a relational model of the database management system and is an excellent option for apps that deals with continuous data like a clothing line, warehousing, etc.

P: PHP- It is the open-source server-side scripting language. PHP is compatible with Linux and UNIX and is flexible to use by the developers.


  1. MERN Stack



The MERN stack is simply a modification of MEAN with the AngularJS framework replaced by ReactJS, a library and not a framework. With ReactJS on board, developing a smooth functioning app becomes relatively easier for the development team.


  1. LAMP with MongoDB

It is precisely similar to LAMP stack with the replacement of MySQL (Structured Query Language) by MongoDB that offers easy management of discrete or discontinuous data.


  1. Ruby on Rails Stack

Released in 2004, the Ruby on Rails stack is also an open-source platform for web development and comes with a mature community of developers. If you are in a hurry for web development, then RoR is a preferable option owing to the quick modification of codes.

Some other significant tech stacks include Flutter for Web Stack, Serverless Stack, MEVN stack, etc.


Tech Stack of some famous Enterprises


Facebook Tech Stack: Facebook uses a mix of software tools, and some of them include PHP, React, MySQL, Cassandra, Prophet, Presto, etc. for applications and data. CSS, JSON, HTML, PHP, etc. are used as coding languages while Chef, Infer, Jenkins, etc. get used as DevOps by the social media giant.


Amazon Tech Stack: Java, MySQL, AngularJS, Amazon EBS, etc. are used for Application and data. The utilities of amazon include Amazon Kinesis, SWF, FPS, SES, SNS, etc.


Airbnb Tech Stack: The vacation rental company has used a mix of Nginx, JS, Java, React, Ruby, Presto, Airpal, etc. for its Application and data.

By now, you must have gained a clear idea of multiple aspects of tech stacks and what the big enterprises are using. Let us now focus on what you should be doing while building an app.


5 Factors to Consider while Building a Tech Stack



  • The Essential Features for your App


The development team must well define the scalability goals and flexible development of your app. The total number of features making it a simple or complex app also plays a crucial role in building the best stack. 

For example, MEAN is an excellent choice for small and hybrid apps, while LAMP is best suited to large complex apps. Similarly, RoR is preferred for any project development to ensure a rapid MVP for the app.



  • Cost of Dedicated Development


You must be clear with a definite budget for your app. Multiple open source stack like MEAN, LAMP, MERN, etc. are available to reduce your app's dedicated development cost. Open-source frameworks have proven a boon to startup and SMEs as they offer low budget and quick development.



  • Time of Development


The time frame within which your project should get complete will largely influence a developer's choice. A framework like AngularJS ensures the app's rapid development by eliminating the need for separate coding for clear illustrations. 

Choosing the right DBMS model will ensure zero glitches with the data. For this reason, developers are going for LAMP with MongoDB, MERN/MEVN, instead of the regular MEAN to provide an ideal stack to the project.



  • Future Scope


Don't go for a stack that only covers your present needs with zero scopes for future demands. Your business will grow, and with it, you will need changes on your digital platform. Hence your app development must have a stack that allows future scope as well.



  • Consult with Experts


Several aspects of the tech stack need the supervision of dedicated developers. It will become an effective way of choosing the best stack for your project if you lack technical knowledge.


Final Words

Each project is unique in terms of development and features offered to the users. Building the best technology stack will take multiple hours of research weighing the pros and cons of the project's compatibility.

While LAMP offers a mature community of developers, RoR is the right choice for developing an MVP. Similarly, MERN comes with the added advantage of ReactJS, and the Serverless stack allows you to pay only for the space used. 

Opting for mobile applications with MEAN Stack development services from a firm will ensure smooth and low-cost development. A skilled team of developers easily weighs the demand with the right stack to find the best match.

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