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Are you ready for the future working style?

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It is easy to find a job where they need a senior developer. But I don't know why not many jobs need a professional developer in the description.

To be honest, I don't really know which is "senior developer", but for me, "senior developer" does not matter at all. "Professional developer" is the most important person you will need in life.

Don't believe it? I'll show you now my points.


This is the first thing I want to talk about, and the most important thing. Let's talk about how we work together nowadays.

For whole team communication, we usually have:

  • A task management tool like Jira.
  • An official chat tool like Slack.
  • Code versioning for developers like Git flow.

If you think they are enough, NOPE. We still miss one thing: a calendar.

The professional working style here where how a developer respects these above things.

  • Do you ALWAYS be on time for meetings?
  • Do you update JIRA tickets in real-time?
  • Do you consistently quick reply to slack messages?
  • Do you truly follow git-flow?

These behaviors are small but extremely valuable especially in the remote working style, or in teams where almost all members are in different time zones. For developers, people who not follow git-flow is terribly bad to me and they should be fired as soon as possible.

Without following the rules, a genius is just nothing.

So for this one, seniority seems does not matter, right?

Yourself or your team?

I want to talk about one behavior: direct messages in Slack instead of chatting in common channels.

There are some points that make this behavior unprofessional or even bad to me:

  • Everybody else can not have the information they talked about. Whenever we have related problems, nobody knows. Unfortunately, almost all communication issues come from here where we mismatch each other.
  • You can not distinguish what is your problem, and what is your whole team's problem. That means you do not understand your team enough.


No need to talk every time, just need the right time, and always there. That's the definition of a proactive member.

Stop waiting for somebody else to make the job done. This is the kind of person you will never want to work together in your life. The seniority does not matter here again because they are good enough to resolve problems, but they chose to wait. This is really annoying and I believe, nobody willing to take this.

Another behavior of inactive developers is making assumptions without asking anything. They thought they can do everything, they keep silent, keep working but nobody knows what are they doing. Working with this style of people is kind of waiting for a bomber since we don't really sure what and when everything is broken. Sorry but this behavior has more impact than you thought.


The remote working style is our future. Communication nowadays is not only what you talk via the mouth, but also what you did with your team's tools.

Again, a senior developer does not matter when compared to a professional one. You can change from now with:

  • Respect your team calendar and strictly follow its rule.
  • Active update your working progress in JIRA (and Slack if needed).
  • Stop private messaging in Slack.
  • Stop waiting for somebody else to make your job done.
  • Stop assumption without asking


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