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Free Logos from any Logo maker in JPG/PNG/SVG/Vector etc...

Hi there, fellow community members.

In this thread we are discussing about how you can get any logo of your choice from any logo maker website for free.

Well many of you might already know of this. But this is my version of it. I hope you will like it.

To make it easier to understand lets break it into small steps:-

Step 1: Create the logo of your choice(obviously).

Step 2: Remember to follow a light and dark color scheme. No gradients, no shades and the like.

Step 3: Use snipping tool(any tool of your choice) to snip out the logo. This ensures there is no quality loss.

Step 4: Now open the captured logo into Adobe illustrator. Select the logo and go to "Object>Image Trace>Make and expand".

Step 5: Boom!! You acquired a cutout of your logo. Now Right click the selection and select "export as" and choose your desired format. To achieve a vector then select SVG and export.

Step 6: You can now easily import the SVG into any application like Figma(what I used) and edit it in any way you like.

Step 7: (Alternate) You can achieve the similar result using Photo shop just make sure the logo is in single color scheme. Then use "Magic wand" to select the desired part of the logo. Parts with same color will be selected.

Step 8: Now "Cut" (ctrl+X) the selection and paste it on a new transparent background (ctrl+N, choose transparent in the option).

Step 9: Now export it in any format of your choice .

So, That was all, hope it worked for you. If so then plz show your support.

Fell free to comment any changes or similar tricks to help the readers.

Thank You!!

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