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Shivam Jain
Shivam Jain

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Learning Linux on the Go : CLI

As a beginner stepping into the world of Linux, the command-line interface (CLI) might seem like a daunting and mysterious realm. However, let me assure you that the CLI is not only a powerful tool but also remarkably fast and productive once you become acquainted with its capabilities. In this blog post, we'll take a dive into the basics of the Linux CLI, shedding light on fundamental commands that will set you on a path to navigating, manipulating files, and performing tasks with confidence.

Unveiling the Command Line

Linux command syntax: command options arguments

Gliding Through Folders

The heart of file management lies in moving through directories and manipulating them.

  1. cd (Change Directory): Navigate between directories effortlessly.

    • Example: cd Documents - Moves to the "Documents" directory.
  2. rmdir (Remove Directory): Delete an empty directory.

    • Example: rmdir EmptyFolder - Deletes the empty folder named "EmptyFolder."

Mastering File Operations

Working with files is a breeze once you know the basics.

  1. touch: Create empty files.

    • Example: touch file.txt - Creates an empty file named "file.txt."
  2. rm: Remove files or directories (use with caution!).

    • Example: rm file.txt - Deletes the file named "file.txt."
    • Example: rm -r Folder - Recursively deletes the "Folder" directory and its contents.
  3. mv: Move or rename files and directories.

    • Example: mv old.txt new.txt - Renames "old.txt" to "new.txt."
    • Example: mv file.txt /new/location/ - Moves "file.txt" to a different location.
  4. cp: Copy files and directories.

    • Example: cp file.txt copy.txt - Copies "file.txt" to a new file named "copy.txt."
    • Example: cp -r Folder /backup/ - Copies the "Folder" directory and its contents to the "/backup/" directory.

Exploring General Commands

Discover essential commands that provide useful system information.

  1. pwd (Print Working Directory): Display the current directory's path.

    • Example: pwd - Prints the path of the current directory.
  2. date: Show the current date and time.

    • Example: date - Displays the current date and time.
  3. cal: Display a calendar for the current month.

    • Example: cal - Shows a calendar for the current month.
  4. ls: List files and directories in the current location.

    • Example: ls - Lists files and directories in the current directory.
    • Example: ls -l - Lists files in long format, showing detailed information.

A challenge :)

Try deleting a folder with some files (make a dummy folder , don't blame me for deleting something important :P )

try using rmdir . What does it do?

Well , that's the thing about linux , you need to be the google/gpt genius .

heed this sage advice: in the Linux realm, be the inquisitive genius, not the reckless fool. Each command wields power; wield it wisely and embrace the journey of discovery. The Linux realm beckons, dear comrade. Welcome!

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