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Shlok Kumar
Shlok Kumar

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Integers in Solidity

Integer types in Solidity can be either unsigned or signed. Unsigned integers are referenced by the uint keyword. Unsigned integers can be assigned in steps of 8 bits up to 256 bits.

The following are the different types of unsigned integers:

uint8 = 5;
uint16 = 100;
uint24 = 1000;
uint32 = 104833;
uint40 = 18348;
uint56 = 324234;
uint64 = 134243;
uint128 = 11334;
uint136 = 24;
uint256 = 100000;
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The default value for uint type is uint256 and it can store 2^256 values, and because it is unsigned, the maximum value it can store is 2^256-1(zero requires one space). Signed integers are referenced by the int keyword. Signed integers can be assigned in steps of 8 bits up to 256 bits.

The following are the different types of signed integers:

int8 = 5;
int16 = -100;
int24 = -1000;
int32 = 104833;
int40 = -18348;
int56 = -324234;
int64 = 134243;
int128 = -11334;
int136 = 24;
int256 = -100000;
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The default value for uint type is int256 and it can store 2^256 values, and because it is signed , it contains positive as well as negative values centered around zero. The minimum and maximum values for int256 are -(2^256-1)/2 and (2^256-1)/2.

Integer Operators:

  • Comparisons: <=, <, ==, !=, >=, > (evaluate to bool)
  • Bit operators: &, |, ^ (bitwise exclusive or), ~ (bitwise negation)
  • Shift operators: << (left shift), >> (right shift)
  • Arithmetic operators: +, -, unary - (only for signed integers), , /, % (modulo), * (exponentiation)

For an integer type X, you can use type(X).min and type(X).max to access the minimum and maximum value representable by the type.


The value of a comparison is the one obtained by comparing the integer value. This means, for example ~int256(0) == int256(-1).

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