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Technical sophistication series(1) – Introduction

How do Techies become sophisticated? You may wonder. This post isn't about glasses, big sweatshirts or loosely packed hair. Familiarity with hard skills, such as text editors and the Unix command line, isn't also what this post is about. It is more about the skills and attitude needed to be regarded as not just a techie, but a sophisticated one.

These set of skills are referred to as soft skills. They make problem-solving easier and make your work faster, and are not always included in learning paths. You would wonder why such skills aren't taught easily? Well, soft skills and attitude are particularly difficult to teach.

A best way to illustrate a technical sophistication skill is this flowchart from xkcd

Image description

In this series, we will discuss as many of these skills as possible. One of which is debugging.

You are on your way to getting sophisticated! See you in the next article!

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