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Serverless on Microsoft Azure: A brief Introduction

Nowadays, there are a lot of Entrepreneurs who are trying to launch their own products in the market, majority of their focus being on the software aspect of technology. However, this comes with a truckload of obstacles, which the young Entrepreneurs will have to overcome.The major factor here is expenditure.
Expenditures are of two types:
1.CapEx (Capital expenditure)
2.OpEx (Operational expenditure)

Back in those days, both these expenditures used to be really high. This is because any software at that time needed a technical setup like servers,internet running round the clock.This also came with other general issues like the Electricity Expenditure incurred to keep the servers running, cooling the servers and so on. Buying the infrastructure and setting up the whole setup comes under the Capital Expenditure.While, the cost incurred while running the service comes under operational Expenditure.

With the advent of the “Cloud Computing” these costs were considerably reduced and people started to migrate to a cloud platform.Cloud provides all the infrastructure with a “Pay as you go” model which means we pay for only the resources that we use and the duration for which we use it. This reduced the costs to a huge extent.

IaaS Paas SaaS

Any organisation primarily focuses on the functioning and business aspect of the firm. Strategies are essential to improve the quality and sales. However, the organisations failed to do this completely. Though IaaS (Infrastructure as a service) and Paas(Platform as a service) reduced the work,they weren't the optimal solution. One had to still think on the resources needed and the upgrade of versions for example. Now this is where the concept of serverless came into picture.
Serverless computing doesn’t eliminate the servers totally but it's the abstraction of the servers. One has to just worry about building the applications. Rest all the things are handled by the cloud provider. The upgrades,underlying infrastructure scaling, and so on!

Serverless is a new simplified version which a lot of businesses are inculcating due to the ease of the usage. The benefits of the Serverless includes,
Reduced Devops,The solutions can be shipped much faster since we only focus on the core logic of the application and also we are just charged for the workflows which are running, and not for the whole time of running.


Microsoft Azure also has a good serverless system.There are majorly three components of serverless compute on azure:

  • Azure Functions
  • Azure Logic Apps
  • Azure Event grid

  • Azure Functions: This is the ability to run the custom code in any language be it C#, JavaScript, node or any other language on demand at scale in the cloud. This works based on the events. Lets look more into this in our upcoming blog.
    Azure Functions

  • Azure Logic apps: This helps to chain different functions together. This has a “DO THIS THEN THAT” capability and can be considered as a serverless workflow.
    Azure Logic apps

  • Azure Event Grid: This is an event routing service which lets us handle the events in an easier way. We will delve into this more in the upcoming blogs.
    Azure Event Grid

Serverless is a new technology which will enable the organisations to work efficiently by letting them focus on their business logics rather than working hard on the software side.That’s it for the introduction.Stay tuned for more!

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