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✌️4 core developer tools I use in my daily life πŸš€πŸ˜Ž

Shrijal Acharya on March 17, 2024

TL;DR This article lists my top 4 tools that I use in my daily life as a developer in 2024. βœ… These tools are aimed at improving your e...
ori_dcr109 profile image
Oriliana D Cruz β€’

I don't usually comment on listicles, but the tools you've mentioned here are definitely something many should use or are already using. Props to you

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Thank you, @ori_dcr109 🫑

shradhhu_53 profile image
Shraddha Khattar β€’

Yes, I love that he mentions Obsidian and I have been using it for more than 2 years now.

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

@shradhhu_53 πŸ™Œ

shradhhu_53 profile image
Shraddha Khattar β€’

But won't docker take up my cpu and memory usage in the background. I always have a bad experience with docker, TBH.

fatimamazhit profile image
FatimaMazhit β€’

FYI You can always set cpu and memory limit for Docker :)

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Thank you for sharing! ✌️ It's usually good to allocate resources manually based on the computer's specs and requirements.

yogithesymbian profile image
Yogi Arif Widodo β€’


shradhhu_53 profile image
Shraddha Khattar β€’

Wow, I did not know I could set up resources like that. thank you @fatimamazhit

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Do you use it in Linux or Windows? It's not very normal to hear such things about Docker. πŸ™

shradhhu_53 profile image
Shraddha Khattar β€’

I use Ubuntu 22.04. I have followed this official way of installation Is it stable for you?

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shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Yes, I use a Docker desktop. I have no such issues with it so far. πŸ™‚

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scottstensland profile image
scott stensland β€’

I simply use a linux laptop/desktop with normal command line docker and have never needed to install docker desktop ... its simply not needed or missed while developing on a Ubuntu laptop ... I have never installed docker desktop as I do not use osx or windows on my dev box

marcelomazza profile image
Marcelo Mazza β€’

I didn't know some, I'm curious about Obsidian, can you clarify better what you mean with:

This is exactly what Obsidian solves

? I'm curious about what Obsidian solves? Didn't understand, sorry.


shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

But, do you remember the last time you opened up these note-taking apps to actually reference something you wrote a few months earlier? πŸ€”

I meant this. Sorry if this wasn't clear to understand. :)

marcelomazza profile image
Marcelo Mazza β€’

Oh got it! no worries, I did understand that, but then I couldn't understand:

how do Obsidian solve that?

krzemian profile image
krzemian β€’

I also switched from Notion to Obsidian. Believe me, it was one of the best switches I made, one that I am going to cherish for the rest of my life.

+1. Done that 2+ years ago and never looked back. Obsidian's blazing fast fuzzy search vs Notion's online-only, lagging search is a dealbreaker. The only thing I'm missing is tables, since Dataview never did it for me & the new built-in tables are still quite simple (and will likely stay that way)

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

For me, everything feels perfect, especially with the Zettelkasten principle. I haven't used Dataview frequently yet, so I can't say much about it.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Thank you so much, @hosseinyazdi. I'll definitely check out this cool tool. πŸ™Œ

valentiniljaz profile image
Valentin IljaΕΎ β€’

I can vouch for all the above tools except for Neovim. But I'm hearing so much great things about it lately, so I must try it.

Have you ever used something like or ? I find it convenient that you have all these micro tools collected in one place. I use one or the other almost on a daily basis. What do you think?

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Definitely give Neovim a try. Yo, this is a gem. Straight-up bookmarked both. Thanks for this. Appreciate it. πŸ™Œ

danielcristho profile image
Daniel Pepuho β€’

Great post. But i want to know your neovim setup btwπŸ˜…

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Here you go:
Do let me know how you like it. It's completely built from scratch. :)

danielcristho profile image
Daniel Pepuho β€’


patzi275 profile image
Patrick Zocli β€’

Thanks you for sharing πŸ€œπŸ½πŸ€›πŸ½.
I already started by using vim but I'm not sure it can replace vscode. It's torture! 😹

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

I assume you mean Neovim. What feature do you miss the most from VSCode that isn't in Neovim? For me, I only miss the smooth scrolling of VSCode. 🀩

patzi275 profile image
Patrick Zocli β€’

I mean some libraries and frameworks only support VSCode and configuring Neovim can be tiring and time-consuming (funny though)

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shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Yes, that's true. Configuring it for each language can sometimes feel hectic.

lymah profile image
Lymah β€’

Awesome lists. Thanks for sharing.

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Glad you found it helpful. πŸ™‚

nicholasbalette profile image
Nicholasbalette β€’

Thanks for updating on Microsoft offering on Cloud DevOps

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Did you like the surprise? πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

ricardogesteves profile image
Ricardo Esteves β€’

Nice article, thanks for sharing it!

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Glad you found it helpful. πŸ™Œ

rudransh61 profile image
Rudransh Bhardwaj β€’

Thanks for sharing

Whats your os ?
Arch ??? (ifeel)
or Ubuntu

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Debian is my main OS. I'm using Arch in my container to become familiar with it.

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Feel free to share some of the top tools you use in your daily coding workflow! πŸ™Œ

fasilu profile image
Fasilul Rahman β€’

Thanks.. I am gonna try Obsidian

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Sure! You'll love it. ✌️

mariliatirachi62 profile image
Marilia Tirachi β€’

Thank you very much for providing such a fantastic list.

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

I'm glad you liked it! 😊

insideee_dev profile image β€’ β€’ Edited

Great post!
I'm using tmux + nvim almost every time.
It is very useful 😍

dashboard in nvim with tmux

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Nice looking setup! :D

giantninja profile image
Steve β€’

You don't mention a single argument for using Obsidian. You just say uninstall whatever you are using and switch to using that... Like, seriously? Was excited to see some different dev tools and arguments for why they are worth checking out, but not going to find that here... Tmux is great, and I use it so it wasn't something new to me, nbd... Neovim... why is it better from your opinion than vscode? You never say. The last point about docker I'm fine with.

I guess if your goal was to list some potentially useful tools to checkout on your own, then this post makes some sense, but you don't explain why these tools are worth checking out for the most part πŸ€”

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Regarding Obsidian, it doesn't require much explanation; it's simply a better way to take notes that aligns with the Zettelkasten principle, which I follow and which you would love as well. Another reason I've mentioned it is how smoothly it integrates with Neovim through the obsidian.nvim plugin. As for Neovim, it's purely a matter of personal preference. If you're comfortable with Vim motions, go for it. Otherwise, there's nothing more to ask for. Lastly, I've said that it may not be suitable for everyone, but I encourage you to give it a try and see if it fits your needs.

Also, it would not be very good to have a listicle article like this be over 10 minutes or so just explaining every bit of why you would love to try this or that. There should be some homework for you all as well, I guess. πŸ™‚

alexk profile image
Alex Kaul β€’

Thanks for sharing the list! Also take a look at Freeter:
Story on how I boosted my productivity with it:

bnystrom profile image
Bryan Nystrom β€’

Great list Shrijal,
Wish I could say I learned something new, but your list was (almost) exactly what I already use, so πŸ‘
I say "almost", because I've recently switched from tmux to Zellij and find it easier and more intuitive to use without losing any of the power of tmux.

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Zellij is great. Have you ever had performance issues with it? I once tried, but it was super sloppy.

gseriche profile image
Gonzalo Seriche Vega β€’

Some companies don't allow Docker now due to licensing, so you can use:



shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Never heard of Rancher Desktop, but I've come across Podman so much in my YouTube recommendations, yet I've never tried it. I would love to give it a try.

Thanks for the suggestions. Appreciate it. πŸ™Œ

mrlinxed profile image
Mr. Linxed β€’

If you replace with something in your terminal too you don't need a GUI at all anymore. πŸ˜…

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

For that, I use obsidian.nvim ;) But GUI notes feel nicer sometimes.

mrlinxed profile image
Mr. Linxed β€’

Haha nice, just noticed you had put that in the article. Went a bit too fast I guess!

ihssmaheel profile image
Mohamed Ismail β€’

Hi Shrijal, May I know How to add the User profile container at the end the blog ?

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

You can use markdown embed to embed various sites, including dev profile.

{% embed %} Change the URL to your dev profile. ✌️

ihssmaheel profile image
Mohamed Ismail β€’

Thanks Man!

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shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’


gzzchh profile image
MisakaCloud β€’

After using byobu for 2 years, I want to switch to tmux with custom config to have a better experience.

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

I've never heard of byobu before. If you're planning to go with Tmux, you might benefit from this

yogithesymbian profile image
Yogi Arif Widodo β€’

docker more consume my disk so i am not use docker currently. ~ change my mind

rmcampos profile image
Ricardo Campos β€’

Very nice. I've been using Notion for quite some time, and pretty happy about to be honest. But I'm curious. I'll be trying. Thanks

sebinsuresh profile image
Sebin Suresh β€’

That’s not how you do a TL;DR

psypher1 profile image
James 'Dante' Midzi β€’

Interesting article. The only thing we are similar on is Obsidian. The rest, I have my preferred choices.

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Divided by others, united by Obsidian. πŸ™Œ Cool to see our paths crossing there!

thatanjan profile image
Anjan Shomodder β€’

once you learn neovim, you can't escape neovim because it is so good 🩷