#PowerfulDevs Conference
The Powerful DEVs Conference is the first virtual co...
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Developer resources for Power BI Embedded
Developer center: powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/develo...
Developer docs: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/...
Power BI Embedded Playground: aka.ms/pbieplayground
Developer Samples: github.com/microsoft/powerbi-devel...
Power BI JavaScript: github.com/Microsoft/PowerBI-JavaS...
Power BI REST API: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/...
Embed setup tool: app.powerbi.com/embedsetup
PBIE Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged...
Thank you for your great presentation Amit.
Nice presentation!
Hi Amit, if we use B2C Azure AD for authenticating external users (users outside of your organization such as xxx@gmail.com) to your Power BI reports through on-prem SharePoint, why would the user who logs in through that Azure AD with xxx@gmail.com, shows up in SharePoint as xxx_gmail.com#ext#yourtenant.onmicrosoft.com and in Power BI as live.com#xxx@gmail.com (when displayed using USERPRINCIPALNAME() DAX function)? Can you please address that in your session today if possible? Otherwise reply to this thread. Thank you.
Hi damuvenkatesan,
Are you using something similar to: powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/s... ?
If this is the case, it is not a real B2C, but an invite to join the organization. Therefore, you see that user name as you send them B2B invite to join the tenant.
Power BI does not natively support Azure B2C.
Please check the following whitepaper docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/...
I will need to check this and get back to you, I will send the answer on this thread
Thank you Amit. Please do.
Thanks Amit, great presentation - you got me excited to use embedded Power BI.
Thank you! I hope it was helpful and inspiring
Really love that this brings together the Data Sci types and code devs to solve problems in ONE app. Thanks for a super informative session Amit. Definitely embedding analytics into my next web app!
I'm waiting to see your web application Dona!
I hoped you all enjoyed my session today.
If you'd like to get connected and get all #PowerBIEmbedded updates, you should find me on Twitter and/or Linkedin.
White label analytics with Power BI Embedded: How to hide the Power BI logo
Hi Amit,
Is it now possible to create a survey on exit of the app, ie a five star rating with a box underneath for comments?
The Power BI Embedded is just part of the web application, you can do whatever you want on the application side.