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What is tree data structure? ๐ŸŒณ

Today we are going to discuss:

  • What is a tree?
  • Basic tree terminologies
  • Types of trees
  • Operations on trees
  • Some practice questions

๐ŸŒณ What is a tree?

Trees are hierarchical data structures used to organize and represent data in a manner that resembles a tree with a root at the top and branches connecting nodes. Each node can have child nodes, creating a parent-child relationship.

Tree data structures have various real-world applications:

  • File Explorer: Trees organize files and folders hierarchically, making it easy to navigate and locate data on your device.
  • Parsers (XML parser): Trees structure and interpret data from files like XML, allowing software to understand and process information effectively.
  • Database for Indexing: Trees enable efficient data storage and retrieval in databases, speeding up searches.
  • DNS (Domain Name System): Trees convert domain names into IP addresses, facilitating internet communication.
  • Trie (Autocomplete): Trees power autocomplete suggestions in search engines by quickly searching for and suggesting relevant terms or phrases as you type.


๐ŸŒณ Basic tree terminologies

  • Parent: A node in a tree data structure that has one or more child nodes directly connected to it.
  • Child: A node in a tree data structure that is connected to a parent node.
  • Root: The topmost node in a tree, serving as the starting point for traversing the structure. It has no parent.
  • Leaf: A node in a tree that has no children, meaning it is a terminal node.
  • Internal Node: A node in a tree that is not a leaf, which means it has one or more children.
  • Level: The position of a node within a tree, with the root node at level 0 and each subsequent level increasing by 1.
  • Sibling: Nodes that share the same parent in a tree.
  • Degree of a Node: The number of subtrees (children) connected to a node. Leaf nodes have a degree of 0.
  • Height of a Tree: The length of the longest path from the root to a leaf node in the tree.
  • Height of a Node: The length of the longest path from the node to a leaf node in the tree.
  • Depth of a Node: The length of the path from the root to that node, measured in terms of the number of edges in the path.

๐ŸŒณ Types of trees

Now that we know what a tree is, let use look into a few different types of trees. You must have came across a binary tree or a binary search tree.

  • General Tree: A tree structure where nodes can have any number of children, providing flexibility in organising hierarchical data.

  • Binary Tree: A tree in which each node can have at most two children, commonly used for efficient data organisation and traversal.

  • Binary Search Tree (BST): A binary tree where values are organised so that left children are smaller, and right children are equal to or greater than the parent, enabling efficient searching and sorting.

  • AVL Trees: A self-balancing binary search tree that ensures the height difference between left and right subtrees is kept to a minimum, guaranteeing efficient operations.

  • Red-Black Trees: Another self-balancing binary search tree that maintains balance by using colored nodes and performing rotations, suitable for a variety of applications.

  • N-ary Trees: Trees where nodes can have more than two child nodes, allowing for versatile data representation.

  • B-Trees: Self-balancing trees used for managing large datasets, frequently employed in databases and file systems.

  • B+ Trees: A variant of B-trees with enhanced properties, particularly useful for indexing large amounts of data in databases.

  • Trie (Prefix Tree): A tree structure optimized for storing and searching strings, commonly employed in applications such as autocomplete and spell-checking.

  • Ternary Tree: A tree with nodes that have exactly three children, often used in specialised scenarios requiring a three-way decision structure.

  • Segment Tree: A binary tree structure designed for efficient range queries, especially useful for finding intervals or segments that contain a given query point, offering fast retrieval in O(log n + k) time, where k represents the number of retrieved intervals or segments.

๐ŸŒณ Operations on trees

We can perform a variety of operations on trees. Let us have a look on some of the common ones.

  • Insertion: Add a new node with a given value to the tree.
  • Deletion: Remove a specific node (and its subtree) from the tree.
  • Search: Find a specific node with a given value in the tree.
  • Traversal:
    • Inorder: Visit nodes in sorted order (for binary search trees).
    • Preorder: Visit the current node before its children.
    • Postorder: Visit the current node after its children.
    • Level-order: Visit nodes level by level, starting from the root.
  • Find Minimum/Maximum: Find the node with the smallest or largest value in the tree.
  • Balancing: Rebalance the tree to ensure that it maintains a specific structure, such as in AVL trees or Red-Black trees.
  • Height Calculation: Calculate and return the height (or depth) of the tree.
  • Count Nodes: Count and return the number of nodes in the tree.
  • Diameter Calculation: Find the length of the longest path between any two nodes in the tree.
  • Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA): Find the lowest common ancestor of two nodes in the tree.
  • Checking for Balance: Verify whether the tree is balanced, ensuring the heights of subtrees do not differ by more than a certain threshold.
  • Serialization and Deserialization: Convert the tree into a serial format for storage or transmission, and then reconstruct the tree from the serialized data.
  • Prefix Search (in Tries): Search for words or strings based on a common prefix in a Trie data structure.
  • Traversal for Specific Orderings: Perform various tree traversals (e.g., in-order, preorder, postorder) with specific requirements or rules for processing nodes.
  • Pruning: Remove specific nodes or subtrees from the tree based on certain conditions or criteria.

๐ŸŒณ Some practice questions

To understand trees better and develop an intuition for solving tree problems, I recommend the following problems.

Before anything else, Implement a simple BST with the functions to create node, insert node, delete node and tree-traversal, after that do the following questions:

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