Edit 20191226: Manuall installation linux kernel, nano and dhcpcd
Edit 20190809: Installation of base-devel not required for minimal setup
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To have UEFI partition and optionally a swap too, boot via USB/CD and type:
You can then optimize mirrors and local time , or other extras, once rebooted.
You can also
bash <(curl -s archibold.io/install/gnome)
once rebooted, and have full desktop experience (remember to enable dark theme via gnome-tweaks, too gorgeous to miss).Other infos and source code in archibold.io/
Nice to know!
i'm getting:
sudo genfstab -U -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
zsh: permission denied: /mnt/etc/fstab
solved with:
genfstab -U -p /mnt | sudo tee /mnt/etc/fstab
i noticed i need sudo for other commands in this tute. Was i supposed to su at some point?
running from an existing Arch.
Can you use Arch at work? I mean its bleeding edge update screws up system.
I wouldn't run Arch on servers but as long as you exercise a little care with updates (like setting IgnorePkg directives for database packages in pacman.conf) it's fine for developer machines. My primary computer has been running Arch for a few years now and I've been quite happy with its stability. I've probably wasted more time clicking "remind me tomorrow" on OSX update nag screens and wrangling Homebrew than I have dealing with pacman fallout.
Of course not :-) @work we use Ubuntu.
Same here!
sudoers file is in /etc/sudoers not /etc/sudoer
Thanks for pointing that out. I fixed it.
thanks for the great article btw, It was easy to follow and it works!
btw it would be great if you explain how can we install other window systems on it as well (the xorg one seems quite basic)
Thank you :) I'm glad it worked out. Which window manager did you have in mind?
the most popular desktop environments for example Deepin, LXDE, etc..
Why is base-devel needed? For compiling packages later?
The ''base-devel'' package group should also be installed if you plan on compiling software from the AUR or using ABS. So the package is not necessary at first, but quite probably later. But true, with an absolutely minimal installation it doesn't have to be there now...
Thanks for the tip, I adapted the article.