DEV Community

Jared Burnham
Jared Burnham

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ES 2019 fun stuff even though 2019 is already almost over

ecmascript has released some new functionality throughout 2019. I'm going to go over a few of the things that has been implemented in javascript
javascript implemented a flat() that flattens arrays

const a = [1,[2,[3,[4]]]]
a.flat() //=> [1,2,array(2)]
a.flat(3) //=> [1,2,3,4]

pass infinity for unknown depth. will flatten into a single array

can turn array into objects. If you want an object with more that on key value pair the array must be formatted as [[k,v],[k,v],[k,v]] (that will give you and object with 3 key value pairs.) for single key value pair use [[k,v]] If the nested array only has one element it will only assign a key with value undefined. everything after the second element in the nested array will not be used

let objectWannaBe = new Map([[key1, value1], [key2, value2]])

Object.fromEntries(objectWannaBe) //=> { key1: value1, key2: value2 }

          import React from 'react';
          import logo from './logo.svg';
          import './App.css';

added more trim functionality

const a = " a "
const newA = a.trimStart() //=> "a "
newA.trimEnd() //=> "a"

function.toString() is a thing

you can use catch without passing it an argument

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