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Gates Jordan
Gates Jordan

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Deagglomeration associated with multi-walled as well as nanotubes with an organic and natural modifier: construction and device.

OBJECTIVE To assess outcomes and factors influencing outcomes in neonates requiring cardiac surgery in India. METHODS This study reports on review of hospital data from a tertiary care cardiac surgical institute from January-2009 to December-2015. Midostaurin purchase RESULTS A total of 200 neonates were included; of them, 5% of the cases were antenatally diagnosed and most of them had unmonitored transport (111, 55.5%). The overall mortality rate was 13.5%, (n=27) and 178 (89%) underwent complete defect repair. There was a significant association of mortality with shock, the number of inotropes, intra-operative procedure, residual lesion, aortic cross-clamp and deep hypothermic circulatory arrest time (all P less then 0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed ventilation duration, cardiac-bypass time, shock, and residual cardiac lesion as independent predictors of mortality. CONCLUSIONS Cardiac defects were found to have late detection and most transports were unmonitored. Complete surgical repair and shorter cardiac bypass time can potentially improve neonatal cardiac surgical outcomes.OBJECTIVE To compare the effect of the application of three growth references (Agarwal, 1992; Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP), 2015; and World Health Organisation (WHO), 2007) on interpretation of anthropometric parameters in schoolchildren. SETTING Cross-sectional school-based study. PARTICIPANTS Children 8-15 years studying in one government school and one private school of Delhi. PROCEDURE The age- and gender-specific standard deviation scores of height-for-age and BMI-for-age were estimated for each student enrolled, using the three growth references independently. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE The proportion of children with short stature, thinness and overweight/ obesity determined by each growth reference were compared. RESULTS A total of 1237 students participated in the study. A significantly higher proportion of children (both sexes) were classified to have short stature using WHO 2007 reference (8.8%) as compared to the Agarwal (3.3%) charts and IAP, 2015 references (3.6%). The combined prevalence of overweight and obesity was highest (34.8%) by the IAP, 2015 reference as against 32% by Agarwal charts and 29.1% by WHO, 2007 reference. Good agreement existed between the IAP, 2015 reference and Agarwal charts in classifying subjects into different BMI categories (Kappa=0.82) and short stature (Kappa=0.99). CONCLUSIONS In view of differences noted, use of national population derived reference data is suggested to correctly define growth trajectories in children.BACKGROUND Impulse oscillometry is an effort-independent technique of assessment of airway resistance and reactance, and can be performed in children unable to complete spirometry. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the utility of impulse oscillometry and spirometry for assessing asthma control in children. STUDY DESIGN Prospective cohort study. PARTICIPANTS Children aged 5-15 years, with mild to severe persistent asthma. INTERVENTION On each 3-monthly follow-up visit, clinical assessment, classification of control of asthma, impulse oscillometry and spirometry were performed. OUTCOME Utility of impulse oscillometry parameters [impedance (Z5), resistance (R5), reactance (X5) at 5 Hz, and R5-20 (resistance at 20Hz -5Hz) (% predicted), and area of reactance (AX, actual values)] and FEV1 (% predicted) to discriminate between controlled and uncontrolled asthma was assessed by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Association of FEV1 and impulse oscillometry parameters over time with controlled asthma was evaluated by generalized estimating equation model. RESULTS Number of visits in 256 children [mean (SD) age, 100 (41.6) mo; boys 198 (77.3%)], where both impulse oscillometry and spirometry were performed was 2616; symptoms were controlled in 48.9% visits. Area under the curve for discrimination between controlled and uncontrolled asthma by FEV1, AX, R5-20, Z5, R5, and X5 were 0.58, 0.55, 0.55, 0.52, 0.52 and 0.52, respectively. FEV1 [OR (95% CI) 1.02 (1.01-1.03)] and AX [OR (95% CI) 0.88 (0.81-0.97)] measured over the duration of follow-up were significantly associated with controlled asthma. CONCLUSIONS Spirometry and impulse oscillometry parameters are comparable in ascertaining controlled asthma. Impulse oscillometry being less effort-dependent may be performed for monitoring control of childhood asthma, especially in younger children.The Participatory Approach for Nutrition in Children Strengthening Health, Education, Engineering and Environment Linkages (PANChSHEEEL) project is a collaboration between University College London, Save the Children India, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Indian Institute of Technology Delhi to develop a socio-culturally appropriate, tailored, integrated and interdisciplinary intervention in rural India and test its acceptability for delivery through Anganwadi Centre (AWCs) and schools. Recognizing the socio-ecological determinants of under-nutrition, the POSHAN Abhiyan (POSHAN Mission) adopts a multi-sectoral approach to achieve five goals, of which two are directly related to children. The POSHAN Abhiyan resonates with the conceptual framework of the PANChSHEEEL study in its interdisciplinary scope and focus on local linka ges. This paper draws upon empirical evidence from the PANChSHEEEL Project in Banswara (one of the POSHAN mission districts), Rajasthan to help understand linkages between policy and practice, specifically the challenges of operationalizing 'convergence', the core strategy of the Abhiyan.BACKGROUND There are many potential pathways in the income health relationship. Problems arise in examining the effect of income loss primarily because of difficulties in disentangling income from the effect of the labour market, but also because of the heterogenous nature of health variables. Psychological, rather than physical, health is important because younger populations are unlikely to manifest clinical evidence of physical disease in the short term. However, biological pathways of stress indicate that this can result in increased mortality and morbidity in the longer term. AIMS OF THE STUDY The study follows the example of work that has harnessed the Great Recession to examine income loss, but in contrast to previous work, this study examines the relationship of disposable income and mental health. The study exploits disposable, rather than gross, income, because of economic theory relating disposable income to consumption and research demonstrating the role of consumption in wellbeing. Data from the period of the Great Recession in Ireland allows the examination of changes in disposable income due to government policies that reduced public expenditure and increased taxation.Midostaurin purchase

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