DEV Community

Anthony Slater
Anthony Slater

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Gustavo looks through a Telescope

I'm going to be integrating Gustavo, a HTTP status checker, with Telescope

GitHub logo Seneca-CDOT / telescope

A tool for tracking blogs in orbit around Seneca's open source involvement

Telescope uses many technologies, so it's best to get started by reading through and following all the steps in its Environment Setup Documentation.
Since I already had npm installed, I used brew to install the two other necessary technologies: redis and elasticsearch
>>> brew install npm
>>> brew install redis
>>> brew tap elastic/tap
>>> brew install elastic/tap/elasticsearch-full
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Now you can open three terminal windows to get your local Telescope server running:

  1. >>> redis-server
  2. >>> elasticsearch
  3. >>> npm start

If everything is working correctly, opening a browser to http://localhost:3000/posts should display an array of 10 json objects.

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Next I wanted to update Gustavo to check the HTTP status of the above urls. Gustavo works by searching through a file for any string that starts with HTTP:// or HTTPS:// and creates a list of all matches. This list is then processed. I knew the program would work, if I could produce a list of fully formed URLs from the above json.

I updated to handle additional flags -t or --telescope.

parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', action='store', dest='source', default='', help='location of source file')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--telescope', action='store_const', dest='source', const='TELESCOPE', help='check recent posts indexed by Telescope')
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Instead of specifying a file path, using the -t or --telescope flags will save a string TELESCOPE to the source variable. The program runs normally until the get_list() function is called. At this point, if the value of the source variable equals TELESCOPE, the following code executes.

posts = requests.get('http://localhost:3000/posts')
urls = re.findall('/posts/[a-zA-Z0-9]{10}', posts.text)
return ['http://localhost:3000' + url for url in urls]    
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What does it do?

  • First a query is made to the server's REST API for posts.
  • Next a list of URLs if created by using a regular expression to find all unique 10-digit IDs.
  • Using a list comprehension, the domain is appended to each URL.

Now heading back to the terminal, running the command

>>> python -t
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produces the following output:

[GOOD] [200] http://localhost:3000/posts/78e5ab8438
[GOOD] [200] http://localhost:3000/posts/2da60bf766
[GOOD] [200] http://localhost:3000/posts/4a8a76df4a
[GOOD] [200] http://localhost:3000/posts/e5f703c004
[GOOD] [200] http://localhost:3000/posts/168346fd63
[GOOD] [200] http://localhost:3000/posts/db7e046128
[GOOD] [200] http://localhost:3000/posts/f87957048e
[GOOD] [200] http://localhost:3000/posts/35b33ca432
[GOOD] [200] http://localhost:3000/posts/3555e6f683
[GOOD] [200] http://localhost:3000/posts/868b94d523
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The complete summary of changes I made can be seen below:

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