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Stefan  🚀
Stefan 🚀

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Supergraph Kickoff: Scaling Your Federated GraphQL for the Super Bowl

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One pattern we keep seeing among our customers is the need prepare their APIs for big events. Whether it's the Super Bowl, Black Friday, or a big product launch, these events can put a lot of stress on your API. If you're using a federated GraphQL API, the most critical part of your infrastructure is the GraphQL Gateway, typically called Router, that sits in front of your federated services.

Your Router must be able to handle the increased load and traffic spikes that come with these events. In this post, we'll dive into the engineering behind readying up one of our customers' Supergraph for the big game.

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You'll learn how we've implemented a heuristics-based query planning cache warm-up strategy to avoid cold starts and scaled the Router to handle 100k RPS and beyond.

Here's a little teaser of what we've achieved. The graph below shows the Router's max query planning time. Without the cache warm-up stragegy, the max query planning time would fluctuate between 8 and 15 seconds. With the cache warm-up strategy in place, the max query planning time is consistently below 1 second.

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The Challenge: What are the biggest bottlenecks in a federated GraphQL API during traffic spikes?

This post will primarily focus on the Router, but for completeness, let's quickly discuss all potential bottlenecks in a Supergraph.

  • Network : The network between clients and the Router, and between the Router and the federated services.
  • Router : The Router itself, we'll dive deeper into this in the next section.
  • Subgraphs/Services : The Subgraphs themselves, including their dependencies.
  • Database : The databases that the Subgraphs are querying.


It's important to test the Network in terms of throughput and latency. It's very likely that you're using proxies or load balancers in front of your Router or maybe even between the Router and the Subgraphs. In any case, it's crucial to properly configure connection pooling, timeouts, retries and keep-alive settings. There's a high likelihood that you can't just depend on the default settings as they might limit other parts of your infrastructure.


The Subgraphs themselves are typically the easiest to scale, although there are also some common pitfalls. For example, it's important that you're using the DataLoader pattern to batch load entities and avoid N+1 situations.

Also, make sure that your Subgraphs are horizontally scalable and that you're not hitting any rate limits on your dependencies. If you're calling external services, it's important to have a proper rate limiting strategy within your Subgraph to avoid cascading failures. Make sure to gracefully handle errors and retries in such a scenario to avoid thundering herd problems. In addition, the circuit breaker pattern can be a useful tool to prevent cascading failures throughout your entire Supergraph.

Another essential part of scaling your Subgraphs is how you're monitoring them, and what metrics you're using to determine if the "autoscaler" should scale them up or down. Benchmarking your Subgraphs can reveal their CPU and memory usage under different loads, which can help you determine the right scaling strategy. Scaling up and down can take some time, so you need to take into consideration the lag between the decision to scale and the actual scaling. Scaling up too early can lead to unnecessary costs, while scaling up too late can lead to degraded performance.

Another "obvious" strategy to improve the scalability of your Subgraphs is to introduce caching. This can be done at different levels, from in-memory caching within the Subgraph to a shared cache like Redis, Entity-based caching at the Router layer, or HTTP-based caching at the Edge layer, and finally normalized caching at the client layer. Just keep in mind that caching is not free and introduces a new set of challenges, like cache invalidation, cache inconsistency, or cache synchronization issues between different layers.

My general advice is to not blindly "optimize" but to measure, monitor, and benchmark your whole Supergraph architecture to identify the actual bottlenecks. Often times, the best optimization is to not optimize at all. Worst case, you're de-optimizing while thinking you're doing the right thing.

Cosmo Router gives you extensive capabilities to monitor and observe your Supergraph. With OpenTelemetry (OTEL) support for metrics and traces, access logs and Prometheus metrics, you can easily identify bottlenecks to optimize your Supergraph precisely where it's needed.


Finally, once you've sorted out Network and Subgraph bottlenecks, it's typically the Database that becomes the bottleneck. While a NoSQL database might be able to handle the increased load, a PostgreSQL or MySQL database can get you very far with proper indexing and query optimization. Often times, it's not the database itself that's the bottleneck, but the way you're using it from your Subgraphs.

Alright, we're ready for the Super Bowl, aren't we? Not quite yet. Let's dive into the Router.

The Engineering behind scaling a GraphQL Federation Router to 100k RPS and beyond

Let's break down what happens when a request hits the Router. This way, we can understand step by step where the bottlenecks might be.

1. Request Lexing and Parsing

The first step is to tokenize the incoming GraphQL request and parse it into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). This is the basic building block for the following steps.

It's important to implement this step as efficiently as possible, with minimal allocations and CPU usage. Lexing and parsing is a CPU bound operation. If you're looking to scale this part of the Router, it's important to scale it out across multiple CPU cores. Runtimes like Node.js struggle with this, while Go or Rust are much better suited for this task.

As an optimization, some Router implementations like Cosmo Router allow you to cache the parsed AST, e.g. when you're using persisted queries, also known as trusted documents.

2. Query Normalization and Validation

Normalization is the process of converting the AST into a normalized form. In the context of GraphQL Federation, it's THE most important step to ensure a high cache hit ratio on the query planner cache. We wrote about this topic in detail in our post about how normalization affects query plan caching.

Validation is the process of ensuring that the query is semantically correct. This includes checking if the query is well-formed, if the requested fields are available in the schema, if the arguments are of the correct type, and if the query is allowed to be executed by the current user.

Both Normalization and Validation are CPU bound operations. It's important to understand that you'd want to optimize CPU bound operations to leverage the full potential of your CPU cores. At the same time, you also don't want to spawn too many threads or processes, as this can lead to contention and context switching overhead.

As a solution, Cosmo Router allows you to limit the total number of concurrent parsing, normalization, and validation operations. This way, you can adjust the number of threads (goroutines) to the number of CPU cores available.

3. Query Planning

Query Planning is the process of determining which Subgraphs need to be queried to fulfill the incoming request. It's another CPU bound operation and it's probably the most complex part of the Router. Query planning is hard to parallelize, so it's typically a sequential operation that scales with the complexity of the query. If you're querying deeply nested abstract fields (unions or interfaces) across multiple Subgraphs, the query planner needs to do a lot of work to figure out the optimal query plan.

As an optimization, Cosmo Router parallelizes some parts of the query planning process, while relying heavily on indexes and caches to speed up the process. As a result, we're able to plan most queries in less than 1ms. However, there are outliers that can take up a few milliseconds or even seconds to plan. We've looked at the competition and found that alternative implementations can take up to 10x longer to plan the same query, or even fail to plan it at all.

We're continuously improving our query planner to make it even faster and more efficient, but there are physical limits to how fast we can make it. In addition, we're also balancing the trade-off between planning time and code complexity. At the end of the day, our goal is to provide not just a fast query planner, but also a reliable and maintainable one.

Experts in the field of query planning will probably agree that the lack of a strong Federation Query Planning specification leaves too much room for interpretation. As a result, there are rare edge cases that require a query planner to do a lot of extra work, while it's questionable if this scenario should even be supported in the first place. Luckily, engineers from different companies are working together in the Composite Schema Working Group to improve the situation.

OK, query planning can take up to a few seconds for complex queries. Luckily, we can cache query plans once they've been computed. But, and this is a very important but, we must ensure that a request never hits a Router with a cold query plan cache. In the worst case scenario, a client request could have to wait for a couple of seconds until the query plan is computed. This is absolutely unacceptable and we must avoid this at all costs.

But how do we do that? We'll dive into this at the end of this section.

4. Query Execution

For the time being, let's assume that we have a query plan and we know which Subgraphs we need to query. The next step is to execute the query, fetch all the data from our Subgraphs, and merge the results into a single response.

We've talked about this topic before when we introduced the Dataloader 3.0, a very efficient algorithm to solve the N+1 problem with the least amount of concurrency, resulting in a very efficient execution with small overhead in terms of scheduling and context switching.

While our data loader algorithm is proven to be very efficient at loading data concurrently, we needed to find an efficient way to merge the results from different Subgraphs. As a solution, we've developed astjson. This library allows us to efficiently merge large nested JSON objects at the AST level. Instead of moving data around in memory and converting it back and forth between JSON and Go structs, we've taken the approach to transform all JSON strings into an AST once, merge them at the AST level, and then serialize the final result back to JSON one single time. Instead of moving around bytes or strings all the time, we're only moving around pointers to the AST nodes, which is much more efficient in terms of memory and CPU usage. If you'd like to learn more about this library, take a look at the introductory post about.

Cache Warm-Up Strategy: Eliminating Federation Router Cold Starts with Heuristics

Alright, we've covered the most important parts of the Router. Now, let's talk about Router cold starts and how we've eliminated them with a heuristics-based cache warm-up strategy.

To summarize the problem, there are two main reasons why a Router might have a cold query plan cache:

  1. A Router instance starts up and has an empty cache, this can be due to a new deployment, a scaling event, or simply a restart
  2. A Router instance gets a new Supergraph configuration, e.g. due to a Subgraph schema change. As a result, the query planner cache must be invalidated.

Both scenarios lead to the same problems. If a client hits a "cold" Router instance, it might have to wait for a couple of seconds until the query plan is computed. One obvious effect of this is that we'll see a spike in latency for the first few requests. Another secondary effect is that the Router instance will have CPU spikes, as it's busy planning queries instead of serving them. This can lead to a cascading failure if the Router instances are not able to keep up with the incoming requests. Imagine if you've deployed hundreds of Router instances and they all have to plan queries at the same time. This can easily lead to a thundering herd problem and a complete outage of your Supergraph. Another less dramatic, but still very undesirable effect is that your Supergraph will show flaky behavior during "cold" periods, leading to a bad user experience.

To avoid these problems, we've implemented a heuristics-based cache warm-up strategy.

Let's first define our goals:

  1. The Cache warm-up strategy should work out of the box and be fully automated
  2. Over time, the cache warm-up strategy should automatically adjust to the traffic patterns
  3. The platform team shouldn't have to worry about the cache warm-up strategy, it should be a "set it and forget it" solution
  4. We need to be able to throttle the cache warm-up phase to avoid overloading the Router instances
  5. We need extensive observability to monitor metrics like cache hit ratios, cache utilization, and cache warm-up times

With all these goals in mind, we've implemented a heuristics-based cache warm-up strategy that works as follows:

When a Router instance plans a query, it stores the query plan in a cache. This cache is a high-performance in-memory cache that's not shared between Router instances. This keeps the architecture simple and saves us from having to serialize and deserialize query plans between different instances. The cache exposes metrics like hit ratio, utilization, and eviction rate, which we can use to monitor and fine-tune our cache configuration.

When we've got a cache miss, the Router will compute a new query plan and export metrics like the planning time to the Cosmo Telemetry system. With this information, the Cosmo Controlplane computes a top-N list of queries every day that have the highest planning times. This list is pushed to the Cosmo CDN, a global content delivery network that's used to distribute Supergraph configurations to the Router instances.

Now, when a Router instance starts up, it'll download the top-N list, we're calling it "operations manifest". This manifest is then used to pre-warm the query planner cache. Once the cache is warm, the Router switches the readiness probe to "ready", indicating to the deployment platform that it's ready to serve traffic.

When a Router instance gets a new Supergraph configuration, it'll keep serving traffic with the old configuration while warming up a new set of caches with the new configuration and the latest operations manifest. Once the new cache is warm, the Router will switch the internal muxer to the new configuration with zero downtime.

To not overload the Router instances during the cache warm-up phase, you can define the concurrency level as well as a rate limit for the cache warm-up. This ensures that the Router instances can still serve traffic while warming up the cache in the background, all without heavy spikes in CPU usage or latency.

The heuristics-based cache warm-up strategy allows you to run your Supergraph with zero cold starts on autopilot.

As we've teased at the beginning of this post, with the cache warm-up strategy in place, the max query planning time is consistently below 1 second. Even if query patterns change over time, the cache warm-up strategy will automatically adjust to the new patterns, as it re-computes the top-N list every day.

If you're interested in learning more about the cache warm-up strategy and how to configure it with your Cosmo Router, take a look at the Cache Warm-Up Documentation.

Observability: Monitoring and Observing your Supergraph Caches

The best cache warm-up strategy is useless if you can't monitor and observe it. You need to know how your caches are performing, if they are too small or too big, and what the cache hit ratio is.

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To help you with this, Cosmo Router exposes extensive metrics about the caches for normalization, validation, and query planning. These metrics are exposed via Prometheus and can be visualized, e.g. in Grafana dashboards.

For more info on how to configure and monitor your Supergraph caches, take a look at the corresponding Cosmo Router documentation.

If you'd like to replicate the Grafana dashboard shown above, you can find the JSON dashboard definition here.

Alternative approaches to warm-up the caches of a GraphQL Federation Router

Using a heuristics-based approach is very accurate and efficient, while being fully automated and self-adjusting. However, you've also seen that it's rather complex to implement, at least on our end.

So let's take a look at some alternative approaches and discuss their pros and cons.

Manually warming up the caches with custom scripts

Before using a heuristics-based approach, one of our customers used a custom script to warm up the caches of their Router instances. The script would send queries to the Router instances to pre-warm the caches. Unfortunately, this approach had several flaws.

When deploying a large number of Router instances, it's not trivial to distribute the warm up requests evenly across all instances, resulting in some instances being warmed up while others are still cold.

Another issue was synchronizing the cache warm-up with the readiness probe of the Router instances. As the cache warm-up script was running in a separate process, it was hard to know when the caches were warm and the Router instances were ready to serve traffic.

Finally, the cache warm-up script was not able to adjust to changing query patterns, or even worse, the manually created collection of queries to warm up the cache was outdated and didn't reflect the actual query patterns anymore.

Warm-up the caches from existing traffic

Another approach is to warm up the caches from existing traffic. This means that instead of using a heuristics-based approach, the Router would use the most frequent queries from the existing traffic the Router previously received to warm up the caches.

This approach is very simple to implement, as it's not relying on any external systems or complex heuristics. However, it has some drawbacks.

First, this approach doesn't work when a new Router instance starts up, which is always the case when you're scaling up your infrastructure. Consequently, you'll still have cold starts in such events.

Another drawback is that the most frequently used queries might not be the most complex ones. A frequently used query that plans in less than 1ms doesn't affect the system as much as a query that's much less frequently used but takes 10 seconds to plan. Especially in deployments with very large numbers of Router instances in the hundreds or thousands, it'll give you a false sense of security that your caches are warm, while in reality, the most complex queries are still cold.

As an improvement to this approach, it's possible to use persisted queries or trusted documents to warm up the caches. This way, you'll have a collection of all the queries that are used by your clients, and you can use this collection to warm up the caches of your Router instances.

This approach will be very accurate, but it's also coming with some drawbacks. You have to manually manage the collection of queries, and you have to make sure that the collection is up to date with the actual query patterns. This might be easy with a single frontend application, but could quickly go out of hand when your company uses Federation with multiple frontend application across many teams. If the number of persisted queries grows beyond e.g. 1000, warming up the caches with all these queries can take a long time and you might want to somehow prioritize the queries.

Another drawback of this approach is that it relies on the client to send the persisted queries. Although it's a good practice to use persisted queries for performance and security reasons, it's not always possible to enforce this across all clients.

Side note: Cosmo Router also supports to manually add query documents to the cache warm-up list. We think that it can be useful if you're aware of a very complex query that's about to be shipped to production. By manually adding it, you can ensure that it's already planned, even if we don't yet have any metrics.


In this post, we've covered the most important parts of scaling a federated GraphQL Router to 100k RPS and beyond. From Network to Subgraphs to Databases to the Router itself, identifying query planning as one of the most influential parts of when it comes to performance.

With the introduction of a heuristics-based cache warm-up strategy, we've eliminated cold starts and put the Supergraph Router on autopilot.

If it got lost somewhere in the middle of the post, here's the link to the Cache Warm-Up Documentation in case you'd like to learn more about the feature.

Before reading this blog post, you might not have been aware of cold starts in your Supergraph Router and how they can impact your Supergraph's performance. Now that you're aware of the problem and the solution, you can forget about the topic again and focus on more important topics, like efficient data loading, good schema design, and improving collaboration between your teams.

If you find the problems we're solving interesting and you're interested in working on them, please take a look at the open positions.

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