I spend a good portion of my time in the terminal, so I recently decided to learn how to configure it. I use zsh
, which is extremely customizable, and there are plenty of tutorials out there to help you get started. One of the best parts of zsh
is its completion system. Typing a command and hitting tab will show you it’s options and arguments.
The default styling is functional, but it’s not pretty, and we can fix it. Adding the following lines to your .zshrc
produces a much cleaner result.
zstyle ':completion:\*' menu select
zstyle ':completion:\*:descriptions' format $'\\n%F{yellow}%U%B%d%b%u%f\\n'
zstyle ':completion:\*' group-name ''
Of course, there are many things you can tweak with zstyle
and I encourage you to check it out by using the completion system.
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