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Chukwuemeka, Samuel Chinaza
Chukwuemeka, Samuel Chinaza

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50 Keyboard Shortcuts that will make you a Visual Studio Code Pro.

Visual studio code (VS Code) is one of the most popular IDE and text editor that most software developers use. It provides support for many languages and frameworks. And it's open source and free to use.

This article contains 50 Keyboard Shortcuts that every developer need to know for easy programming. It'll help you save time and and make using Vs Code easy for you.

Shortcuts and what they do.

  1. ctrl+ N: Open a new file.
  2. Ctrl + S: Save file.
  3. Ctrl + Shift + S : Save as.
  4. Ctrl+ X: Cut line.
  5. Ctrl + C: Copy line.
  6. Ctrl + F4: Close file.
  7. Ctrl + K then Ctrl + W: Close all.
  8. Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen closed editor.
  9. Ctrl + Enter: Insert new line or Insert line below.
  10. Ctrl + Shift + Enter: Insert line above.
  11. Ctrl + Shift + N: New window/Instance.
  12. Ctrl + Shift + W: Close window/instance.
  13. Ctrl + K then P: Copy path of active file.
  14. Ctrl + Home: Go to beginning of file.
  15. Ctrl + End: Go to end of file.
  16. Home: Go to beginning of line.
  17. End: Go to end of line.
  18. Ctrl + K then Ctrl + C: Add line comment.
  19. Ctrl + K then Ctrl + U: Remove line comment.
  20. Ctrl + /: Toggle line comment.
  21. Shift + Alt + A: Toggle block comment.
  22. Ctrl + T: Show all symbols.
  23. Ctrl + G: Go to line.
  24. Ctrl + P: Go to file.
  25. Ctrl + F: Find.
  26. Ctrl + H: Replace.
  27. Ctrl + Spacebar: Trigger suggestion.
  28. Ctrl + .: Quick fix.
  29. Ctrl + K then M: Change file language.
  30. Ctrl + =: Zoom in.
  31. Ctrl + -: Zoom out.
  32. Ctrl + F4 then Ctrl + W: Close editor.
  33. Ctrl + Shift + .: Replace with next value.
  34. Ctrl + Shift + /: Replace with previous value.
  35. Ctrl + K then F: Close folder.
  36. Ctrl + \: Split folder.
  37. Ctrl + Shift + \: Jump to matching bracket.
  38. Shift + F8: Go to previous error/warning.
  39. Alt + Right arrow: Go forward.
  40. Alt + Left arrow: Go back.
  41. Alt + Enter: Select all occurrences to find match.
  42. Alt + Up arrow: Move line up.
  43. Alt + Down arrow: Move line down.
  44. Shift + Alt + Up arrow: Copy line up.
  45. Shift + Alt + Down arrow: Copy line down.
  46. F12: Go to definition.
  47. F11: Toggle screen.
  48. F2: Rename symbol.
  49. Tab: Emmet expand.
  50. F8: Go to next error/warning.

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