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Next/Previous Post Navigation in WordPress

Navigation between posts with “Next/previous” links is a feature many blogs and sites have, making it easy for users to browse post content in an orderly fashion. With “previous” and “next” links users can jump to earlier or later posts without having to go back to the main page or content list. This improves user experience and increases engagement by allowing users to find more content without having to leave the site. Well designed navigation like this includes the titles of adjacent posts which encourages users to keep browsing and can lead to longer time on site.

/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
//                Snippflow post navigation                   //
/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
function sp_post_nav_shortcode( $atts ) {

  $atts = shortcode_atts( array(
      'type' => 'next',
  ), $atts, 'sp_post_nav' );

  // Next / Prev post
  $post = $atts['type'] === 'prev' ? get_previous_post() : get_next_post();

  // Next / Prev icon class
  $arrow_class = $atts['type'] === 'prev' ? 'fas fa-arrow-left' : 'fas fa-arrow-right';

    // Container class
    $link_class = $atts['type'] === 'prev' ? 'prev' : 'next';

  if ( $post ) {

      $post_title = get_the_title( $post );

      $sp_post_nav = '<a href="' . esc_url( get_permalink( $post ) ) . '" class="post-link ' . $link_class . '">';
      $sp_post_nav .= '<i class="' . $arrow_class . '"></i>';
      $sp_post_nav .= '<div class="inner-wrapper">';
      $sp_post_nav .= $atts['type'] === 'prev' ? '<p>Previous article:</p>' : '<p>Next article:</p>';
      $sp_post_nav .= '<h6>' . $post_title . '</h6>';
      $sp_post_nav .= '</div>';
      $sp_post_nav .= '</a>';

      return $sp_post_nav;

  return '';
add_shortcode( 'sp_post_nav', 'sp_post_nav_shortcode' );
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