A reading progress bar that fills as you scroll makes the experience better by giving you a visual indicator of where you are on the page, makes navigation more intuitive and fun.
$(document).ready(function() {
if ($('body').hasClass('single')) {
var totalHeight = $('main').outerHeight(true);
var footerHeight = $('footer').outerHeight(true);
var windowHeight = $(window).height();
if (totalHeight > 0) {
$('header').after('<div id="sf-reading-progress-bar"></div>');
$(window).scroll(function() {
var scrollPosition = $(window).scrollTop();
var scrollableHeight = totalHeight + footerHeight - windowHeight;
var progress = (scrollPosition / scrollableHeight) * 100;
progress = Math.min(progress, 100);
$('#sf-reading-progress-bar').css('width', progress + '%');
Full article: Reading Progress Bar
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