
Instant +100% command line productivity boost

Nikita Sobolev on August 23, 2017

Being productive is fun. There are a lot of fields to improve your productivity. Today I am going to share some command line tips and tricks to ma...
putopavel profile image
Pavel Razgovorov

fish shell is even better

mariosant profile image
Marios Antonoudiou

I was about to say that! So much better indeed!

xavierartot profile image
Xavier Artot • Edited

And what's better with Fish shell?

EDIT: I gave a shot and I love the real autocompletion without plugin :)

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mariosant profile image
Marios Antonoudiou

It provides a great experience, right out of the box!

A few sample points that I find really useful:

  • Very nice history search. Type a word and hit up arrow on your keyboard.
  • fish_config - Try executing this :)
  • I prefer the way things are configured. This is a directory inside your ~/.config.
  • Syntax highlighting, colors etc.

Now if you are into scripting, you might find it a bit easier to write your own autocompletion, it did for me for sure ;)

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putopavel profile image
Pavel Razgovorov

Another thing I use the most is the reverse-i-search, but, instead of typing Ctrl+R and the text I want to search, I just type it and use the arrow keys. The shell looks in the history but matching my query, and the visual result looks much more intuitive :D

And that's just one feature (appart for, for example, the "bobthefish" theme, a must have for using git) out of a large list.

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xavierartot profile image
Xavier Artot • Edited

As a vim user I hate the arrow key, I lost some productivity when I moved from the row.

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jospoortvliet profile image
Jos Poortvliet

It might be total anathema but... type + arrow keys to search is what I use in bash ;-)


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putopavel profile image
Pavel Razgovorov

But I think it doesn't work the same way:

In bash, when you use reverse-i-search, you first press Ctrl+R and then you start typing the command you was looking for. While you type, the command is appearing in console. To look for previous commands that also match your query, you press Ctrl+R as many times as you will need in order to you find your command.

In Fish Shell, you just type as you would do in bash when you're in reverse-i-search, and then use the arrow keys to go to the previous commands (you can go back to the following ones of the current you have selected by pressing the down-arrow key, I don't know if that exists in bash). Plus, the query you typed will be highlighted in the current command.

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jospoortvliet profile image
Jos Poortvliet

It does work that way - I type, hit arrow-up to cycle through previous times I typed that command. No ctrl-R required.

You put in your .inputrc:

arrow up


arrow down



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putopavel profile image
Pavel Razgovorov

Wow, I'll try this when I arrive home just for the curiosity xD

akrasic profile image

Just wanted to comment that..
Fish shell + fzf = pure gold

lardissone profile image
Leandro Ardissone

I like fish but I had problems with NVM and to get it working on CD into a dir with a .nvmrc file. It was like one year ago, so probably it's fixed now.

dmerejkowsky profile image
Dimitri Merejkowsky

Nice article! We have similar setups, so I though you might want to know more about mine:

Personally, I use zsh-pure-prompt.

I also use fzf a lot, and I even re-wrote z using fzf

More info on my blog, you may find this interesting:

Lastly, I recently added a bit of code that allow me to quiclky insert the most recent file in the given directory into the current command line:

end of self promotion

There are other tools and hacks I will cover in the next articles.

Can't wait to read them!

sobolevn profile image
Nikita Sobolev

Thanks for your feedback and interesting articles!

yoannfleurydev profile image
Yoann Fleury

We have quite a similar setup. You should give a try to software like tig, ag, ranger or fpp.

sobolevn profile image
Nikita Sobolev

+++ Thanks!

Nice coincidence, just installed tig. And I am already using ag.

xavierartot profile image
Xavier Artot

iterm on mac increase my productivity by 50%

sobolevn profile image
Nikita Sobolev

What are the features you use the most?

xavierartot profile image
Xavier Artot • Edited

To switch between Iterm and Chrome, hotkey: maj + space

Tmux integration is native and I'm working with Vim, then the preference / appareance / Tabs are very nice too.

I think I'm pretty good, but I always look for more idea.

dsuurlant profile image
Daniëlle Suurlant

You can combine iTerm2 with Oh-my-Zsh! That's my current setup.

xavierartot profile image
Xavier Artot

it's mine too...

jandedobbeleer profile image
Jan De Dobbeleer

Add powerlevel9k and we've almost got the same setup. Didn't know about fzf, I'm going to add that right away. 👍🏻

curusarn profile image
Šimon Let • Edited

How do you use machines that don't have all your new fancy commands? Eg. when you ssh to different server?

sobolevn profile image
Nikita Sobolev

I suffer most of the time.

scheidig profile image
Albrecht Scheidig

I recommend to (semi)automate a way to prepare a new box to suit your needs.
I use for this and can tweek a new box within 15 minutes.

d53dave profile image

Never heard of exa, but it's awesome.

xavierartot profile image
Xavier Artot

I definitively adopted Sobole, I love it :)

greyhoundforty profile image
Ryan Tiffany

Prezto over oh-my-zsh every time. Same idea but much more lightweight. And if you want to also trick out vim, git and zsh look at Yadr which uses Prezto.

ogham profile image
Benjamin Sago

You shouldn't need the --color=automatic on exa, it does that automatically anyway

+1 for fzf

fedejsoren profile image
Federico Sörenson

I have been using powerline shell on my Linux for the nice help working with git. Have you tried it? :D

sobolevn profile image
Nikita Sobolev

Nope, but it looks nice.

kunde21 profile image
Chad Kunde

I like powerline, but got annoyed by the slow speed. Thankfully, a kind soul ported it over to powerline-go and gave us the speed back.

xavierartot profile image
Xavier Artot • Edited

z for navigate doesn't work on my config?

Edit: I installed brew install z, but doesn't autocomplete with most folder.

sobolevn profile image
Nikita Sobolev

you have to cd into directory at least once for z to work.

letsbsocial1 profile image
Maria Campbell

I use it and love it too! Great post.

jandedobbeleer profile image
Jan De Dobbeleer

Like it? I love it! Going to add my config 😉

hanqin profile image

Oh, don't forget it's awesome :D