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Pronnoy Dutta
Pronnoy Dutta

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SSH Into Your EC2 Instance: A Step-by-Step Guide

As an AWS user, accessing your EC2 instances securely is essential for managing and deploying your applications. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of securely SSH-ing (Secure Shell) into your EC2 instance, allowing you to establish a secure remote connection and take control of your virtual machine. So, grab your terminal, and let's dive into the world of SSH and EC2!

Step 1: Prepare Your EC2 Instance

Before establishing an SSH connection, ensure your EC2 instance is up and running:
1. Launch an EC2 Instance: Log in to the AWS Management Console, navigate to EC2, and launch a new instance or choose an existing one.
2. Set Up Security Groups: Configure the inbound rules of the security group associated with your instance to allow SSH traffic (port 22) from your IP address or a specific range of IP addresses.
3. Note the Public IP or DNS: Take note of the public IP address or DNS name assigned to your EC2 instance. This information is required to establish an SSH connection.

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Step 2: Generate or Retrieve Your SSH Key Pair

To establish an SSH connection, you'll need an SSH key pair. If you don't have one, follow these steps to generate a new key pair:
1. Generate an SSH Key Pair: Open your terminal and execute the command
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/my-ec2-key
to generate a new key pair. This command will create a private key (my-ec2-key) and a corresponding public key (
2. Retrieve an Existing Key Pair: If you already have an SSH key pair, locate the private key file (usually a .pem file) associated with your EC2 instance.

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Step 3: Secure Your Private Key

To maintain the security of your private key:
1. Restrict File Permissions: Set restrictive permissions on your private key file by running chmod 400 ~/.ssh/my-ec2-key (replace my-ec2-key with the appropriate key file name).
2. Store the Private Key Securely:Ensure that your private key file is stored in a secure location on your local machine, as it grants access to your EC2 instance.

Step 4: Establishing an SSH Connection

Now that you have your EC2 instance ready and your private key secured, it's time to establish an SSH connection:
1. Open Your Terminal: Launch your terminal application (e.g., Terminal on macOS, Command Prompt on Windows, or a Linux terminal).
2. Connect to Your EC2 Instance: Execute the following command in your terminal, replacing my-ec2-key.pem with the name of your private key file and with the public IP address or DNS name of your EC2 instance:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/my-ec2-key.pemec2-user@<your-instance-public-ip> 
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

3. Verify the Host Key: Upon connecting for the first time, you will be prompted to verify the EC2 instance's host key. Type yes to continue.
4. SSH Into Your EC2 Instance: You are now connected to your EC2 instance via SSH! You can execute commands, install software, configure settings, and perform administrative tasks within the terminal.

Step 5: Closing the SSH Connection

To close the SSH connection and disconnect from your EC2 instance:
1.Type exit in the terminal and press Enter.
2.The connection will be terminated, and you will return to your local machine's command prompt.

Congratulations on successfully SSH-ing into your EC2 instance! By following this step-by-step guide, you have gained the ability to securely access and manage your EC2 instances using SSH. Remember to keep your private key secure and follow best practices for managing SSH access to ensure the utmost security of your AWS infrastructure. Enjoy your newfound control and flexibility as you navigate and administer your EC2 instances with ease!

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