DEV Community

Sonali Kumari
Sonali Kumari

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My Journey of Discovering an Open Source Vocabulary Term


Hello there, In this week's blog post, I want to share a personal experience that highlights the importance of curiosity and asking questions within the open source community. During my application process, I encountered a vocabulary term that left me feeling a bit lost and unsure. However, through seeking help and embracing my core values, I learned valuable lessons that I want to pass on to future applicants. So, let's delve into my journey of discovering and understanding an open source vocabulary term.

The Confusing Vocabulary Term

During my application process, I came across the term "Continuous Integration" (CI). As a newcomer to the open source community, I was unfamiliar with this concept and felt uncertain about its meaning and significance.

Continuous Integration (CI) refers to the practice of frequently merging code changes into a shared repository. It involves automating the process of building, testing, and integrating code to ensure that changes are compatible and do not introduce errors or conflicts. CI plays a crucial role in maintaining code quality, reducing integration issues, and enabling collaborative development within open source projects.

Seeking Resources and Help

To understand Continuous Integration better, I turned to various resources available online. I found informative articles, blog posts, and documentation that explained the concept in detail. One valuable resource I came across was the "Continuous Integration" entry on the Open Source Guide website (

Additionally, I reached out to my mentor and fellow community members, expressing my curiosity and seeking clarification. I discovered that the open source community is incredibly supportive and welcoming, always ready to help newcomers understand unfamiliar terms and concepts.

Overcoming Hesitation and Asking for Help

Initially, I felt hesitant to ask for help. I worried that my questions might be perceived as trivial or that I would disrupt ongoing discussions. However, I reminded myself of the core values I highlighted in my first blog post, particularly the importance of continuous learning and growth. This realization empowered me to overcome my hesitation and embrace the spirit of inquiry.

The Positive Outcome of Seeking Help

When I reached out for help and asked about Continuous Integration, I received warm and helpful responses from community members. They not only provided explanations but also shared their own experiences and recommended additional resources. I realized that my questions not only benefited me but also helped other newcomers who might have been hesitant to ask.


My experience of encountering and understanding the vocabulary term "Continuous Integration" taught me the value of curiosity and the power of seeking help within the open source community. Embracing my core values enabled me to overcome my hesitations and dive deeper into the fascinating world of open source development. As future Outreachy applicants, remember that curiosity is your ally, and asking questions is a strength. Together, we can create an inclusive and supportive environment that welcomes and nurtures newcomers.

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