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Use IceStack to build your CSS UI

I love tailwindcss and use it frequently. I also like daisyui very much. Using these for development saves me a lot of effort.

However, I encountered some scenarios in the project where I needed to deeply customize the Css UI component. At this time, daisyui could not solve my problem for the time being.

So I came up with some ideas and wrote icestack inspired by tailwindcss and daisyui

This is a Css UI framework generation and management tool. Through it, you can easily extend the style, and you can also easily build your own Css UI from scratch and combine it with tailwindcss. use!

Let's see how to use it!

Install @icestack/ui

# yarn | pmpm
npm install -D @icestack/ui @icestack/tailwindcss
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@icestack/ui will be downloaded and installed locally, and a command icestack will be registered

Initialization configuration file

After installing @icestack/ui, execute:

npx icestack init
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This command will generate an icestack.config.cjs file in the current execution directory. The default content is as follows:

 * @type {import('@icestack/ui').Config}
const config = {
  outdir: './my-ui'

module.exports = config
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Build style

npx icestack build
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This command reads the configuration and builds the product in the './my-ui' directory under the current configuration file. Then you can directly import these css and js files, but giving them to tailwindcss is more convenient to use.

Used as tailwindcss plugin

Register the icestackPlugin plugin in tailwind.config.js and pass a loadDirectory parameter to locate the location where the product was just generated:

const path = require('node:path')
const { icestackPlugin } = require('@icestack/tailwindcss')

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
      // Absolute path to the loading directory
      loadDirectory: path.resolve(__dirname, 'my-ui'),
      // Whether to inject tailwindcss theme config
      // When true, the generator's primary success warning colors will enter the tailwindcss.theme.extend configuration
      // You can use bg-primary / text-success
      // Default value: false
      loadConfig: true
      // ...
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Then as long as we run the project normally, we can directly use all the CSS components in the my-ui directory!

Default preset

By default, a set of @icestack/preset-default for Css components is built into @icestack/ui, which absorbs the excellent writing style of daisyui and remains consistent in many places.

At the same time, you can use configuration items to extend and override its original style, see override

If you want to build your own UI framework from 0 to 1, you can set mode to none in icestack.config.cjs, and @icestack/preset will not be loaded at this time.

Start from scratch

Build button component

We can select our favorite button component from the component library list of the project awesome-tailwindcss. Its html is as follows

  class="group relative overflow-hidden bg-blue-600 focus:ring-4 focus:ring-blue-300 inline-flex items-center px-7 py-2.5 rounded-lg text-white justify-center"
  <span class="z-40">Hover Me</span>
    class="absolute inset-0 h-[200%] w-[200%] rotate-45 translate-x-[-75%] transition-all group-hover:scale-100 bg-white/30 group-hover:translate-x-[50%] z-20 duration-1000"
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Component style refinement

Then we start to refine html and extract its styles:

<a class="btn">
  <span>Hover Me</span>
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Convert the original long-passed class into @apply, and wrap it in the selector .btn, then convert the last animated div element into a pseudo-element, and modify the style.

.btn {
  @apply relative overflow-hidden bg-blue-600 focus:ring-4 focus:ring-blue-300 inline-flex items-center px-7 py-2.5 rounded-lg text-white justify-center;

  &::after {
    content: '';
    @apply absolute inset-0 h-[200%] w-[200%] rotate-45 translate-x-[-75%] transition-all bg-white/30 z-20 duration-1000;

  &:hover::after {
    @apply translate-x-[50%];
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Write configuration file

 * @type {import('@icestack/ui').Config}
const config = {
  outdir: './my-ui',
  components: {
    button: {
      selector: '.btn',
      // selector is .btn
      schema: ({ selector, params, types }) => {
        return {
          defaults: {
            // return a string template, allow css
            base: `
            ${selector} {
              @apply relative overflow-hidden bg-blue-600 focus:ring-4 focus:ring-blue-300 inline-flex items-center px-7 py-2.5 rounded-lg text-white justify-center;

              &::after {
                content: '';
                @apply absolute inset-0 h-[200%] w-[200%] rotate-45 translate-x-[-75%] transition-all bg-white/30 z-20 duration-1000;

              &:hover::after {
                @apply translate-x-[50%];
module.exports = config
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Then after executing icestack build, .btn will be successfully loaded by tailwindcss plugin. You can write like this:

<a class="btn"> Hover Me </a>
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Add more colors

For example, if we have requirements, the default is bg-blue-600 focus:ring-blue-300

But what should we do if we can pass in red, yellow, and other colors?

 * @type {import('@icestack/ui').Config}
const config = {
  outdir: './my-ui',
  components: {
    button: {
      selector: '.btn',
      // types is the default primary / success ... theme string array
      schema: ({ selector, params, types }) => {
        // add colors
        const colors = ['red', 'yellow', 'green']
        return {
          // utils > styled > base
          defaults: {
            base: `...previous-code`,
            // add styled, allow css
            styled: `
              .map((color) => {
                return `${selector}-${color}{
                @apply bg-${color}-600 focus:ring-${color}-300;

module.exports = config
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After making the changes, execute npx icestack build to build. After completion, you can use it directly:

<a class="btn">
<a class="btn btn-red">
<a class="btn btn-yellow">
<a class="btn btn-green">
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Add more sizes

If we want to add more dimensions to this button component, we can set it like this:

 * @type {import('@icestack/ui').Config}
const config = {
  outdir: './my-ui',
  components: {
    button: {
      selector: '.btn',
      schema: ({ selector, params, types }) => {
        // add colors
        const colors = ['red', 'yellow', 'green']
        return {
          // utils > styled > base
          defaults: {
            base: `...previous-code`,
            styled: `...previous-code`,
            // add sizes, allow css
            utils: `
              @apply px-3 py-1.5 rounded;
              @apply px-5 py-2 rounded-md;
              @apply px-7 py-2.5 rounded-lg;
              @apply px-8 py-3 rounded-lg;
module.exports = config
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Then build it and you can use it directly:

<a class="btn btn-xs">
<a class="btn btn-sm">
<a class="btn btn-md">
<a class="btn btn-lg">
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You must have noticed that the schema method has multiple parameters:

  • selector is the selector
  • types is the automatically generated color name in the base option
  • params is the incoming parameter, which can render different performances of the component according to different parameters.

We can render different Css style codes based on different parameters.

Of course, you can also find more examples and usage on the icestack official website.

Everyone is welcome to try it!

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