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Yes mongoose, but not animal. With mongoose you get superpower of interact with mongodb elegantly.
Some of the most important concept are model, schema and hooks.

Schema is actually representation of entities such user in the database. For example user can have name, username and any other field. Schema can not be used to interact with the database, instead we need to create the instance of it that is model.

The model is the instance of the schema, which you use to interact with the database and perform CRUD operations. Mongoose makes it easy to perform these operations by providing a simple and intuitive API.

One of the key features of Mongoose is support for middleware or hooks, which allows you to run certain code before or after a certain operation. For example, you can run code before saving a document to the database to validate it, or you can run code after saving a document to update another document.

Mongoose also supports a variety of datatypes, including strings, numbers, dates, and arrays, making it easy to store complex data structures. Additionally, Mongoose has built-in support for population, which allows you to easily fetch related data from other collections.

In conclusion, Mongoose is a great tool for those who want to interact with Mongodb in a more sophisticated manner. With its simple API, built-in support for middleware and population, and variety of datatypes, Mongoose makes it easy to build powerful applications with Mongodb.

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