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Explain the principle of naked-eye 3D special effects of LED display

The 3D special effects technology of LED electronic large screens is constantly developing, and the principles for realizing this technology mainly include four methods: light splitting, color separation, time sharing and grating. These principles have their own characteristics and application scenarios, and they will be introduced in detail below.

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  1. Spectroscopic method

The spectroscopic method is a 3D display technology based on polarized light. By using polarizing filters or polarizing plates, the images on the LED electronic large screen are divided into two groups, which enter the left eye and right eye of the audience respectively. Viewers need to wear corresponding polarized glasses so that the left eye can only see one set of images and the right eye can only see the other set of images. Through the synthesis of the brain, the audience can perceive a three-dimensional picture. Do you understand the technology, cases and market size of 3D billboards?

However, it is difficult to apply spectroscopic technology to large LED electronic screens because LED screens are self-luminous and difficult to achieve two sets of polarized light with different directions. Therefore, this method has relatively few applications on LED electronic large screens.

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  1. Color separation method

The color separation method is a 3D display technology based on color difference. By using red-blue, red-green or other complementary color dichroic glasses, the image on the LED electronic large screen is divided into two parts and transmitted to the left eye and right eye of the audience respectively. For example, the red part of the image is sent to the left eye, and the blue part of the image is sent to the right eye. Viewers need to wear glasses of corresponding colors to see different images with each eye, thereby creating a 3D effect.

Although the color separation method is simple and low-cost, because the LED electronic large screen uses three primary color LED lamp beads, it is not suitable for this technology. The color separation method has some limitations in terms of brightness and color reproduction on large LED electronic screens.

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  1. Time sharing method

The time-sharing method is to achieve the 3D effect by playing two sets of images alternately in a very short time. The large LED electronic screen plays the left eye image while blocking the right eye during the first refresh, and swaps the positions of the left and right images during the next refresh. Viewers need to wear LCD shutter glasses with high-speed continuous blocking function to achieve alternate viewing with left and right eyes.

Time-sharing technology has higher synchronization requirements for LED electronic large screens and LCD shutter glasses, but compared with other methods, its equipment purchase, use and maintenance costs are low. This makes the time-sharing method widely used in 3D special effects LED displays. 3D LED billboards, don’t miss this future advertising trend.

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  1. Raster method

The grating method is a 3D display technology based on the principle of parallax barrier. By installing parallel gratings on the large LED electronic screen, the screen is divided vertically into a series of gratings to alternately display images for the left and right eyes. Viewers wear special glasses so that their left and right eyes see alternating bars respectively, thereby forming a 3D image.

The disadvantage of grating technology is that changes in the viewer's position may affect the position of the parallax barrier, which requires multi-viewpoint technology to solve. Additionally, since using rasters reduces horizontal pixels, the display horizontal pixels need to be multiplied to maintain image display quality. Here are the technology and prices of naked-eye 3D advertising screens.

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To sum up, the 3D special effects of LED electronic large screens can be achieved through different principles, and each method has its unique advantages and limitations. When choosing the right technology, factors such as cost, effectiveness, and user experience need to be considered. With the continuous advancement of technology, the 3D special effects of LED electronic large screens will become more mature and widely used.

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