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I developed prettier-configure. It enabel to set up Prettier and Husky automatically.
It assumes that package.json already exists in your current directory.
You have not to install prettier-configure. You can run it via npx like below:
npx prettier-configure
If you run it, prettier-configure execs the following three steps:
1. Install Prettier and Husky to your devDependencies via yarn (or npm).
prettire-configure installs Prettier and Husky to your devDependencies. You can choose your favorite package manager via manager
argument option.
npx prettier-configure --manager=npm
2. Add a npm script for format with Prettier and config for Husky to your package.json.
prettier-configure inserts "scripts" and "husky" to your package.json.
"scripts": {
"format": "prettier --write "**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,md,json,yaml,html}""
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "pretty-quick --staged"
(caution: If your package.json has "scripts" already, it will be rewrote.)
3. Create .prettierrc.yaml
and .prettierignore
in your current directory.
Create files with my favorite default settings. If other people want to use this tool, I'll enable that you can change default settings.
trailingComma: 'all'
singleQuote: true
tabWidth: 4
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