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Cover image for Inventory Management Website
Soumyajit Mondal
Soumyajit Mondal

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Inventory Management Website

What I built ❔

Inventory Management Website
Bouilt with - Rounak Sen @rony000013

Category Submission:

  • Best Overall Project
  • Most Visually Pleasing
  • Most Technical Impressive
  • Best Project built using Supabase as the main data provider for the refine app.
  • Best Project built using Material UI as the main UI framework for the refine app.

App Link 🔗


Screenshots 🖼️

Login page

Signup Page

Home Page

Items Page

Inventories Page


This inventory management website is built using Refine, React, Material UI, and Supabase. It is a powerful and easy-to-use tool that allows you to track your inventory, manage your orders, and keep your business running smoothly.

The website is built on a modern stack that is scalable, secure, and reliable. It is also easy to customize, so you can tailor it to the specific needs of your business.

Link to Source Code 🧑‍💻

Permissive License 🪪

- MIT License

Background (What made you decide to build this particular app? What inspired you?)

The Refine Inventory Management app was developed to address the challenges businesses face in managing their inventory effectively. Existing systems often lack advanced features and can be time-consuming to use. Our inspiration came from witnessing the impact of inefficient inventory management on businesses, including stockouts, overstocking, lost sales, and increased costs. We recognized the need for a user-friendly and robust solution that leverages technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning. The goal of our app is to empower businesses to take control of their inventory, make data-driven decisions, improve operational efficiency, and ultimately increase their profitability.

How I built it (How did you utilize refine? Did you learn something new along the way? Pick up a new skill?)

In building the Refine Inventory Management app, I utilized the following technologies and gained new skills along the way:

  • Refine: I leveraged Refine, a powerful framework for data-intensive applications, to develop the backend and frontend components efficiently.
  • Material-UI (MUI): I incorporated MUI, a React UI library, to enhance the app's user interface and create a modern and responsive design.
  • React: I used React, a popular JavaScript library, to develop reusable and modular components, improving code organization and maintenance.
  • TypeScript: I learned TypeScript, a strongly-typed superset of JavaScript, which brought enhanced type safety and code readability to the project.
  • React Router: I implemented React Router for seamless navigation within the app, providing a smooth user experience.
  • Supabase: I integrated Supabase, an open-source platform, to simplify database management and ensure secure and scalable backend infrastructure.
  • Inferencer: I incorporated Inferencer for advanced features like demand forecasting and real-time stock tracking, gaining insights into building and training machine learning models.

Building the Refine Inventory Management app not only resulted in a functional solution but also expanded my skill set and knowledge in these technologies.

Additional Resources/Info

  1. React Docs
  2. Refine Docs
  3. Supabase Data Provider Docs
  4. Material UI Docs
  5. Inferencer Docs
  6. React Router Docs

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