
Cover image for 1: Buiding an ultimate freelancer website with NextJS, Django and wagtail-CMS
Sourabh Mandal
Sourabh Mandal

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1: Buiding an ultimate freelancer website with NextJS, Django and wagtail-CMS

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Many times we have to write our entire portfolio from scratch just to add our favorite tech stack make it responsive, SEO optimized with inbuilt CMS, and all the analytics goodies without spending a dime on third-party plugins that are vaguely customizable and we don't know whats going on under the hood.

paid plugins

As software engineer we should build stuff ourselves, plugins are for a noob

Well, I a not saying that we should always reinvent the wheel but it's always a good idea to know what we are using and I personally struggle with plugins that are not customizable.

So I am making this portfolio boilerplate to integrate open-source tools(use what's been made) and build upon it a great website that is optimized both in performance and SEO with inbuilt analytics and a CMS which is more like WordPress CMS so that it's not used to post articles but customize the entire site. Moreover, this will be production-ready for deployment on the digital ocean app platform to get started asap.

Framework/Tech Stack -


  • Next JS => Maintainable UI components because of React, Server-Side-Rendering for SEO friendliness, inbuilt routing.
  • Bulma CSS => Responsive by default, nice looking components.


  • Django => Hail to the most secure and perfectionist framework for the backend development.
  • Django-rest-framework => Make it API based, leverage JAM stack.
  • Wagtail CMS => Most flexible CMS to work with, as powerful as WordPress CMS, helps in SEO optimization too.
  • Support for google analytics integration

It can be said that It's an over-kill for making a portfolio website with such optimization.

Please suggest any tech-stack/Framework to include to make it most awesome WEBSITE boilerplate

Top comments (3)

kirancapoor94 profile image
Kiran Capoor

Keep it up!
If you’re not going to use JAM stack on Netlify etc, Use docker to simplify the development, staging & production processes.
Also, explore GraphQL, it’s better than REST, more work but way more fun and easier to integrate any front end.

sourabhmandal profile image
Sourabh Mandal

Good suggestion.... will definitely check it out

alexander_lindgren_d62de7 profile image
Alexander Lindgren

When is the tutorial coming?