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Blog with Node, MongoDB, and React

It's been awhile since I've coded... yay post-bootcamp burnout. I'm starting my 100 Days of Code challenge to rework the bootcamp assignments using React.

I read a Twitter thread (which I've lost) but it got me motivated to get back to my code practice. I wrote down "backend headless cms - node, mongoDB, and react."

So, I'll be researching headless CMS which at initial glance looks like a hot topic right now.

What is a headless cms? From Contentful, "A headless CMS is any type of back-end content management system where the content repository "body" is separated or decoupled from the presentation layer "head." Content that is housed in a headless CMS is delivered via APIs for seamless display across different devices... structuring content so that it can be reused across different platforms and channels."


Before I go too far down a rabbit hole... I need to get re-familiar with how to set up an app.

While I go through my notes, I guess the real start of this project is figuring out my objective and a design draft.

Project Overview

I enjoy spending my time reading and writing about a range of topics, recent adventures, and new findings. I want to build a CMS blog where I can publish blog posts, short stories, notes, and life updates and allow of comments on posts... creating a "Digital Oasis".

User Story

As a developer who writes
I want a CMS-style blog site
So that I can publish my content


  1. Home
  2. Blog Page
  3. Blog Post
  4. Login
  5. Blog Entry
  6. Logged-In Blog Post State

Road Map

In no particular order...
Theming/CSS, Comments, Newsletter Signup, Content Sections, Calendar

Edit: I started this project with a massive starter pack that we used during the final project of bootcamp. I ended up scrapping most of it and rebuilding from point zero because I needed to work my way back up.

I'm back... a week later, still going strong in the green. I've done a few things. Set up bootstrap and got a few components rendering with React.

Here are my next steps for this week:

  1. Seed the database
  2. Pull content from the database into the blog post

So, I still have not seeded the database but I have reworked my server side folders and have done the following:

  • Set up server
  • Create env file
  • Finished setting up models
  • Started routes

Right now I just have the scaffolding for the routes but that will be my next couple of days.

Overall thoughts right now: I definitely learned a lot during coding bootcamp and it's all coming back piece by piece. The reason why I got into coding was because I like the puzzle aspect. It's really nice to get to put this together without the breakneck speed and pressure of the bootcamp.

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