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Priyanshu mundra
Priyanshu mundra

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Solana Mobile Stack (SMS) Tutorial for Flutter Developers

The Solana Mobile Stack (SMS) is a powerful toolkit for building mobile applications on the Solana blockchain. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of integrating SMS into your mobile app, with a focus on using the Flutter SDK. By the end of this guide, you will have a solid understanding of how to leverage SMS to create decentralized mobile applications on the Solana network.

Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

Flutter installed on your development machine.

  • Basic knowledge of Solana blockchain concepts.
  • Familiarity with mobile app development.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Development Environment
Let’s start by setting up our development environment.

A. Create a new Flutter project:

flutter create my_solana_mobile_app

B. Navigate to your project directory:

cd my_solana_mobile_app

C. Add the Solana Mobile Stack (SMS) dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

solana_mobile_stack: ^1.0.0

D. Run flutter pub get to fetch the SMS package.

Step 2: Initializing Solana Wallet
To interact with the Solana blockchain, you’ll need a wallet. SMS provides an easy way to initialize and manage wallets.

import ‘package:solana_mobile_stack/
void main() {
// Initialize Solana wallet
final wallet = SolanaWallet();

Step 3: Sending Transactions
Now, let’s send a transaction on the Solana blockchain.

import ‘package:solana_mobile_stack/
void main() {
final wallet = SolanaWallet();
// Create a Solana transaction
final transaction =
feePayer: wallet.publicKey,
recentBlockhash: ‘your_recent_blockhash’,
// Add instructions to the
transaction (e.g., token transfer)
// …
// Sign and send the transaction

Step 4: Retrieving Data
Fetching data from Solana is straightforward with SMS.

import ‘package:solana_mobile_stack/solana_mobile_stack.dart’;
void main() {final wallet = SolanaWallet(); wallet.initialize();
// Create a connection to the Solana
final connection =
// Fetch account balance
final balance = await
print(‘Account Balance: $balance
// Fetch token balances
// …

Step 5: Building the UI
Integrate the Solana Mobile Stack into your Flutter UI as needed. You can use widgets provided by SMS to display wallet information, transaction history, and more.

In this tutorial, we’ve covered the basics of integrating the Solana Mobile Stack (SMS) into a Flutter mobile app. You’ve learned how to initialize a wallet, send transactions, retrieve data from Solana, and build a user interface. With this knowledge, you can start building powerful decentralized mobile applications on the Solana network.

For a complete example codebase, check out our GitHub repository: [].

Feel free to explore SMS further and build innovative Solana-powered mobile apps.

Good luck with your Solana Mobile Stack development journey! 🚀

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